March 2018
Invited Editors: Jethro Hernandez Berrones (Southwestern University) Patricia Palma, UC Davis. Deadline for papers: April 30, 2018.
We are pleased to receive manuscripts on homeopathy in Latin America and their transnational networks to be published in the journal História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos (HCSM) ( The journal is a quarterly publication of the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz (COC/Fiocruz) and publishes original peer-reviewed articles and research notes, documents and images of historical merit, debates, interviews, and reviews of books and online resources, all pertaining to the history of science and health.
We invite colleagues and scholars to submit original works on topics pertaining to Homeopathy in Spain, Latin America and the Caribbean. We suggest the following themes as a starting point for your consideration: Practice of non-western medicines in the region as they relate to homeopathy, the conflicts between homeopathy and allopathy in the construction of public health systems, homeopathy in a global context, homeopathy and medical training, homeopathy and competing medical systems, homeopathy and the pharmaceutical industry, and related topics. Approaches from different disciplines, with a national, international, or global perspective, or with a comparative perspective are welcomed and encouraged.
Each accepted article will go through the traditional peer-review process of the journal. In the cover letter, the author(s) should mention that the paper will be part of the dossier “Homeopathy in Latin America and Spain: Local Developments and its International Networks”.
Article length should be less than 9,000 words. HCSM accepts submissions in Portuguese, Spanish, English, and French. The paper must be original and not have been previously submitted to another journal. For more detailed information on submission guidelines please read the Instruction to Authors at Manuscripts should be submitted through ScholarOne at
Read about homeopathy in Manguinhos:
Tarcitano Filho, Conrado Mariano and Waisse, Silvia. Novas evidências documentais para a história da homeopatia na América Latina: um estudo de caso sobre os vínculos entre Rio de Janeiro e Buenos Aires. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Set 2016, vol.23, no.3.
Machado, Marilane. Homeopatia e alopatia em disputa no início do século XX. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Jun 2015, vol.22, no.2.
Weber, Beatriz Teixeira. Estratégias homeopáticas: a Liga Homeopática do Rio Grande do Sul nos anos 1940-1950. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Jun 2011, vol.18, no.2.
Justo, Célia Maria Patriani and Gomes, Mara H. de Andréa. A cidade de Santos no roteiro de expansão da homeopatia nos serviços públicos de saúde no Brasil. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Dez 2007, vol.14, no.4.
Corrêa, Anderson Domingues et al. Similia Similibus Curentur: revisitando aspectos históricos da homeopatia nove anos depois. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Mar 2006, vol.13, no.1.
Luz, Hylton Sarcinelli. Homeopatia: história e fundamentos epistemológicos. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Ago 2002, vol.9, no.2.