Healthier Together series shows Fiocruz’s work in the Global Network of Human Milk Banks

June 2024

IFF’s professional stores human milk (Photo: CCS Archive).

Source: Fiocruz Portal

The series Healthier Together—A Path to a Better World, developed in consultation with the WHO Foundation and produced for them by BBC Story Works Commercial Productions, has one episode dedicated to the Global Network of Milk Banks, an initiative that has Fiocruz, through the Fernandes Figueira National Institute of Women, Children and Adolescent Health (IFF/Fiocruz), involved in its creation and expansion.

In mini-documentary style, Healthier Together explores healthcare challenges, addresses health inequality, and shows how people can collaborate to solve common problems. Divided into Risk Factors, Mental Health, Preventive Measures, and Fair Treatment, the series showcases initiatives developed in countries such as Japan, India, Nigeria, the Philippines, Kenya, Tanzania, Pakistan, and Ghana, among others.

In Risk Factors, the film Human milk banks feeding babies, in which Fiocruz participates, shows how an initiative launched by the IFF/Fiocruz more than 80 years ago became the embryo of the Brazilian Network of Human Milk Banks.

In its 2024 volume, Historia Ciencias Saúde Manguinhos celebrates IFF´s centenary. In addition to the letter from the editors signed by Luiz Antonio Teixeira and  Larissa Velasquez de Souza, researchers at IFF, our latest volume features four articles about the Institute and its work related to mothers and children healthcare:

Editor’s note: “The Fernandes Figueira Institute: a century devoted to mothers, children, and adolescents. “

Interweaving memories: the Fernandes Figueira Institute through a generational perspective

Research and health care at the Fernandes Figueira Institute: an interview with José Augusto de Britto 

The history of teaching at the Fernandes Figueira Institute: an interview with Susana Wuillaume


Related story:

A century devoted to mothers, children, and adolescents. The 2024 volume of HCS-Manguinhos celebrates the centenary of the Fernandes Figueira Institute, incorporated into Fiocruz more than 50 years ago.




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