
From left to right, Marciel Mendonça, Camilo Papi, Mônica da Cruz Caminha, Mônica Auler, Roberta Cardoso Cerqueira, Vinícius Renaud and Marcos Cueto.
The latest issue of the HCS-Manguinhos begins with a critical Editor’s Note, written by the journal’s scientific editor Marcos Cueto. With the title The history of science and Qualis the note explains that, under the new criteria for ranking Brazilian journals (known as Qualis Periódicos), several local journals could lose positions in their ranking which, in turn, would lessen the chances of fundraising to continue with their editorial work. That said, there is a possibility that the História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos journal might not belong to the field of History in the upcoming years.

Guest editors Luciana Heymann and Rogerio Rodrigues.
With a likely critical tone, the Guest editors’ note In defense of sources in uncertain times, by the new associated guest editors Luciana Heymann and Rogério Rosa Rodrigues, point out the relevance of sources in a moment in which history, historians and the scientific discourse is under attack.

Back and front cover of the HCS-Manguinhos latest issue (v. 26 n. 4 oct/dec 2019).
The issue’s cover refers to the dossier on the Histories of homeopathy in Latin America and Spain, edited by the historians Jethro Hernández Berrones (Southwestern University, Georgetown, USA) and Patricia Palma (Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica, Chile).
The dossier gathers articles that explore the histories and contributions to public health by homeopathy in Latin America and Spain. It presents a diverse collection of essays highlighting the rich histories and public health contributions of homeopathy in Latin America and Spain.
The articles show the complex networks of actors and institutions, as well as the nuanced processes of circulation of medical knowledge, therapies, and products to and from the Americas and within the region.
Read our full issue: HCSM vol.26 no.4 Oct./Dec. 2019