Exile within Exiles: Herbert Daniel, Gay Brazilian Revolutionary

December, 2018

Duke University Press, October 2018.

Herbert Daniel was a complex figure in social activism from the mid-1960s until his death in 1992. As a medical student, he joined a revolutionary guerrilla organization but was forced to conceal his sexual identity from his comrades, a situation Daniel described as internal exile.

He spent much of the 1970s in Europe,  returned to Brazil in 1981, becoming engaged in electoral politics and social activism to champion gay rights, feminism, and environmental justice, achieving global recognition for fighting discrimination against those with HIV/AIDS.

In Exile within Exiles, James N. Green, Professor of Modern Latin American History at Brown University, positions Daniel as a vital bridge linking former revolutionaries to the new social movements.

The book was also published in Portuguese: “Revolucionário e gay: A extraordinária vida de Herbert Daniel – Pioneiro na luta pela democracia, diversidade e inclusão. Civilização Brasileira, 2018. 

Read in Manguinhos:

What happened in the recent elections in Brazil? – James N. Green, Professor of Modern Latin American History at Brown University analyzes possible dangers to public health and universities, and some ideas about the political future of Brazil.

Opening the archives project – The project aims to digitize 100,000 U.S. government documents on Brazil from 1960-80 and make them available to the public on an open-access website.

Activism in the history of medicine – An interview with Dr Susan M. Reverby, Professor Emerita in Women’s and Gender Studies at Wellesley College.

Activismo estadounidense en la historia de la salud internacional – Marcos Cueto analiza un libro con testimonios de actores del activismo medico norteamericano en diferentes revoluciones en el mundo.

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