November 2023
This interview with Deisy Ventura, professor at the Faculty of Public Health of the Universidade de São Paulo, published in HCS-Manguinho’s supplement about COVID-19 in Latin America (vol.30, supp.1), discusses the political dimension of the pandemic in Brazil.
Deisy de Freitas de Lima Ventura became a fundamental reference on the covid-19 pandemic in Brazil due to her extensive knowledge of international law, with a focus on health. She used evidence to demonstrate the government’s systematic policy to spread the coronavirus in the country.
In this interview to Carlos Henrique Assunção Paiva (COC/Fiocruz), Claudia Agostoni (Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas – UNAM), Vivian Mannheimer (Ph.D./ PPGCOM PUC-Rio) and Marcos Cueto (COC /Fiocruz), Deisy Ventura offers some reflections on global health and discusses the handling of the pandemic in Brazil and its human rights implications. According to Ventura, the Brazilian government had a systematic policy for spreading the virus, and the pandemic should be treated as a matter of memory, truth, and justice.
Ventura, D., Paiva, C. H. A., Agostoni, C., Mannheimer, V., & Cueto, M.. (2023). Covid-19 como tema de memória, verdade e justiça: entrevista com Deisy Ventura. História, Ciências, Saúde-manguinhos, 30, e2023053.