February 4th, 2021, World Cancer Day
Control of cervical cancer in Minas Gerais in the mid-1900s (HCSM Oct./Dec. 2020) investigates the work and organization of the Belo Horizonte Hospital of Gynecology, founded in 1939.

Current building of former Gynecology Hospital. Source: www.ufmg.br/online/arquivos/015012.shtml
According to Vanessa Lana, Postdoctoral fellow in History of Science at Casa de Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz) and professor at Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), at the Hospital of Gynecology, colposcopy was implemented as the main strategy for prevention.
During the mid-twentieth century, colposcopy aroused great enthusiasm among Brazilian physicians in terms of its ability to reduce the mortality associated with cervical cancer in Brazil via early detection.

The hospital became a reference in the dissemination of the use of the Colposcopy in the capital of Minas Gerais. Source: Acervo do Museu de História da Medicina da USP.
Projeto História do Câncer – atores, cenários e políticas públicas: http://www.historiadocancer.coc.fiocruz.br
Edição da revista “Dynamis – Controlling Female Cancer in South-America“
Exposições sobre câncer: http://www.inca.gov.br/exposicoes
Cancer in HCS-Manguinhos:
Cervical cancer in Brazil Despite the dissemination of preventive measures, cervical cancer remains a serious problem in Brazil.
El cáncer como problema sanitario en la Argentina El artículo analiza el proceso de creación del Instituto de Medicina Experimental, un centro destinado al estudio y el tratamiento del cáncer, inaugurado en el año 1922.