Global health has a history

“Launching Global Health”, by Steven Palmer, illuminates the role played by international agencies in developing countries. Read the interview with the author.

Transnational dialogues in occupational accidents

In this article, Karina Ramacciotti aims to examine the transnational references in local discussions about occupational accidents in Peru and Chile during the first half of the twentieth century.

Publicaciones científicas y desarrollo en América Latina

Hebe Vessuri analiza el papel de las publicaciones científicas para el desarrollo de la ciencia en América Latina.

Medicinas tradicionales andinas y su despenalización

Entrevista de Walter Álvarez Quispe, terapeuta Kallawaya y biomédico, publicada en el último número de HCS-Manguinhos.

Irritable heart syndrome in medical thought

Researcher Yuri C. Vilarinho, from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, examines the irritable heart syndrome in the context of the American Civil War.

On slaves and genes

The anthropologist Elena Calvo-González analyses genetic studies of the Brazilian population.

Family planning in Peru during the 1960s

Raul Necochea provides a novel perspective on population-control programs and discusses the role of the many actors, such as US bilateral aid, Catholic and Protestant churches.

A dark reality

Cassia Roth, from the History Department at the University of California, Los Angeles, explains the connection between state policies towards reproduction in early-twentieth-century Brazil and the current situation in women’s reproductive health.

Los saberes psi

El investigador Mariano Plotkin, autor de libros sobre psicoanálisis, habla de los desafíos de editar en Argentina una revista sobre los llamados “saberes psi”.

The reign of hormones

Hormones and organs, like uterus and ovaries, are increasingly been used to define roles and behavior. This article discusses the redefinition of gender and sex differences using biological aspects.