“Colonies gave more than what they received in return”

Rita Pemberton explains that although the colonies were rich in natural resources, this wealth was not reflected in the population’s health or sanitary conditions.

“Race is never silenced in scientific inquiry”

Interview with Tara Inniss discusses how racial categorizations continue to form a major part of epidemiological investigation in the Caribbean and elsewhere.

La cólera, la desinformación y el comercio en Veracruz

Beau Gaitors y Chris Willoughby exploran el problema comercial y sanitario enfrentado por el puerto mexicano en el siglo 19.

El combate de la fiebre amarilla en Guatemala y las bananas

Talia Rebeca Haro Barón discute la intervención de actores locales y extranjeros en el control de la fiebre amarilla y la transformación del conocimiento científico.

Por una cultura de la prevención

La investigadora Claudia Agostoni se detiene sobre aspectos tratados en su artículo para HCS-Manguinhos y delinea paralelos con la actualidad.

To be impartial and generous: Essentials for a good peer review

The importance and relevance of the referee role are the main subjects of this exclusive interview with researcher Nelson Sanjad, from the Emilio Goeldi Paraense Museum.

Horizons and challenges

André Felipe Cândido da Silva and Marcos Cueto are the new science editors of História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos. Read the letter on forthcoming pathways.

International cooperation for equity in health

This article analyzes the work of international organizations in health and the priorities of developing countries in this field since the 1990s.

South south health cooperation: Brazilian experiences in South America and Africa

This article explores the position that Brazil occupies at international level and how this position is reflected in its foreign policy, especially in the health area.

Cervical cancer in Brazil

Despite the dissemination of preventive measures, cervical cancer remains a serious problem in Brazil.