Early medicine in the Wellcome library

With expert articles on disease, disability, weelbeing and other subjects, the Wellcome Library website offers information about medicine and health in Europe before 1700.

‘Tuberculosis: A Short History’ now available for free download

The Centre for Global Health Histories publication is now available for free download at the University of York Digital Library.

The importance of science communication in public health development

New issue of Ciência & Saúde Coletiva discusses the importance of scientific publication in the development of public health.

Amazonian artwork by Wallace and Bates now accessible online

Pencil drawings and watercolour paintings by Alfred Russel Wallace and Henry Walter Bates during their expedition to the Amazon between 1848-1852 are now available online.

World’s biodiversity literature now freely available online

SciELO integrates the Biodiversity Heritage Library, a consortium that is digitizing the collections of leading research institutions around the world for online open access.

An open-access tool for researchers on social medicine

The Social Medicine journal seeks to promote publications by authors who have been under-represented in academic medicine.

Collective Health Builders: New series from Ciência & Saúde Coletiva

As part of the reflections on its twenty years of existence, Ciência & Saúde Coletiva shall publish a set of articles on individuals/actors who have contributed decisively, with ideas and actions, to the construction of the field of collective health within Brazil.

A Canadian treasury of Medical History blog

Steven Palmer’s Canadian treasury of Medical History blog is designed as a personal and professional stocktaking of the final year in the tenure of a Canada Research Chair who studies the history of medicine and health.

The abolition of the slave trade

With the help of the material gathered on this site, it becomes clear that the eradication of the international slave trade was a long, arduous, and tortuous process that spanned almost nine decades.

La ciudad impura

El libro reconstruye una historia social de la tuberculosis en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires entre 1870 y 1950, analizando el modo en que la enfermedad atravesó la vida pública y la vida privada.