Vol. 13 • supplement • 2006 – Dialogue between science and art

ANALYSIS Science fiction, perception, and ontology: is the world fake? Ciro Flamarion Cardoso abstract  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: art and nature, poetry and science Izabela Maria Furtado Kestler  abstract  Physics and literature: building a bridge between two cultures João Zanetic abstract  Science and art: unlikely relations? José Claudio Reis, Andreia...

Vol. 13 • n. 3 • April-Sept. 2006

ANALYSIS The League of Nations Health Organization and the rise of Latin American participation, 1920-40 Paul Weindling text in english “The demon that turned into worms”: the translation of public health in the British Caribbean, 1914-1920 Steven Palmer text in english Pressure or legitimization? Power and alternatives in the planning and adoption...

Vol. 13 • n. 2 • Apr.-June 2006

ANALYSIS Psychology as mestizo knowledge: the multi-intersection of social practices and scientific concepts Arthur Arruda Leal Ferreira  abstract  Psychology as mestizo knowledge: the multi-intersection of social practices and scientific concepts Lucilda Selli and Volnei Garrafa abstract Food, words, and health (of soul and body) in sermons by...

Vol. 13 • n. 1 • Jan.-Mar. 2006

ANALYSIS Similia Similibus Curentur: revisiting historical aspects of homeopathy nine years later Anderson Domingues Corrêa, Rodrigo Siqueira-Batista, Luis Eduardo M. Quintas and Romulo Siqueira-Batista abstract  The challenges of otherness: thoughts on gender and sexuality among activists from a Rio de Janeiro Aids NGO Ana Paula V. Zaquieu abstract  The...

Vol. 12 • n. 3 • Sept.-Dec. 2005

ANALYSIS Brazilian physician José Pinto de Azeredo (1766?-1810) and the chemical examination of Rio de Janeiro’s atmosphere Manuel Serrano Pinto, Marco Antonio G. Cecchini, Isabel Maria Malaquias, Lycia Maria Moreira-Nordemann and João Rui Pita abstract  For the good of the nation’s economy: therapeutic work and public assistance at La Castañeda...

Vol. 12 • n. 2 • May-Aug. 2005

ANALYSIS From psychiatric reform to the struggle for a ‘non-fascist life’ Sergio Alarcon abstract Graduate studies and work: a study on the plans and expectations of Brazilian doctoral candidates Rita de Cássia Ramos Louzada and João Ferreira da Silva Filho abstract  The concept of student health as viewed by early elementary school teachers...

Vol. 12 • supplement • 2005 – Sciences and Museums

ANALYSIS The sciences and education in museums at the close of the nineteenth centur Maria Margaret Lopes andSandra Elena Murriello  abstract  The personal context of a museum experience: similarities and differences between science and art museums Adriana Mortara Almeida  abstract  Museums and families: the perceptions and behavior of children and their...

Vol. 12 • n. 1 • Jan.-April 2005

ANALYSIS “Gold earrings, calico skirts”: images of women and their role in the project to civilize the Amazon, as observed by Elizabeth Agassiz in Viagem ao Brasil: 1865-1866 Fabiane Vinente dos Santos  abstract  The modern psychiatric institution from an organizational perspective Fábio Vizeu  abstract  Scientific research in the biosciences...

Vol. 11 • n. 3 • Sept.-Dec. 2004

ANALYSIS The spatial dimension in health studies: a historical trajectory Aylene Bousquat e Amélia Cohn  abstract  Medical reform in Brazil and the US: a comparison of two rhetorics Amy Kemp and Flávio Edler  abstract  Cholera and environmental medicine in the manuscript “Cholera-morbus” (1832), by Antonio Correa de Lacerda (1777-1852) Nelson...

Vol. 11 • n. 2 • May-Aug. 2004

ANALYSIS The prelude to psychiatric reform in Brazil: the contradictions of the 1970s Luiz Fernando Paulin and Egberto Ribeiro Turato abstract  Hunger, solidarity, and ethics: discourse analysis of the movement Citizen’s Action against Hunger and Poverty and for Life Francisco de Assis Guedes de Vasconcelos abstract  The archeology of human...