In Memoriam: Dr. Elizabeth Fee

We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Dr. Elizabeth Fee on October 17, 2018. Dr. Fee was a remarkable and influential public health historian.

Handling the body, taking control: technologies of the gendered body

Call for papers! Participants would be expected to address issues such as abortion, experiences of pregnancy and birth, feminist activism, sexual violence and much more.

Una campaña busca reunir copias de documentos que pertenecieron al Museo Nacional de Rio de Janeiro

Si usted tiene documentos digitalizados, fotocopiados o transcritos, cuyos originales se preservaban en el Archivo del Museo Nacional, le pedimos su atención.

Brazilian researchers launch a campaign to create a collaborative digital archive of Museu Nacional

If you have digitized, photocopied or transcribed documents, originally from the museum’s archive please share them.

Philanthropy and the State: New paradigms

Call for papers for a special issue on Philanthropy. Send us your work by August 31, 2018.

The 1918 influenza pandemic: Historical and biomedical reflections

Call for papers! International conference. Ypres (Belgium) on 7-8 February 2019. See how to submit an abstract.

La polio en la Argentina

Novedad editorial: “Del alcanfor a la vacuna Sabin. La polio en la Argentina.” Un libro de Daniela Testa.

HIV/AIDS, its stigma and history

Our science editors André Felipe Cândido da Silva and Marcos Cueto discuss the HIV prevention policy adopted in Brazil since December 2017: the pre-exposure prophylaxis.

Fellowships in the history of medicine for Brazilian researchers

The Consortium for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine offers fellowships for researchers interested in the rare books and manuscript collections of its member institutions in the U.S., Canada and UK. Deadline for applications: June 16, 2018.

La enfermería en Argentina: Continuidade y rupturas entre el pasado y el presente de la profesión

Universidad Nacional José C. Paz (UNPAZ), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 31 de mayo y 1 de junio. Consulte el programa de la jornada.