Ebola crisis pushes health linkups to top of agenda

Specialists claim that researches and academic circles should be better employed in the fight against Ebola.

Primer Coloquio Interdisciplinario Cuerpo, Salud y Política: Desconstruyendo el cuerpo y su salud

Miércoles, 5 de noviembre. Auditório Emilio Croizet, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile.

Quedan pocos días para enviar resúmenes para el Congresso de la RedPop

Quedan pocos días en la ventana de recepción de ponencias (resúmenes de max. 400 palabras) para el Congresso de la redPOP, la Red de Popularización de la Ciencia y la Tecnología de America Latina y el Caribe (creada por la UNESCO). Los trabajos presentados deben abordar el tema de la popularización de la ciencia y la tecnología desde la perspectiva de la...

XV Jornada de Historia de la medicina

La Sociedad Chilena de Historia de la Medicina hace público el programa de actividades de la XV Jornada de Historia de la Medicina. En esta ocasión las presentaciones abordarán una variada gama de temas, tales como cólera de 1991 y su impacto internacional, reforma a los manicomios en Chile, la mujer y la tuberculosis en Chile, campañas nutricionales en...

Second test proves Guinea man in Brazil does not have Ebola

Aline Leal reports from Agência Brasil Brazil’s Ministry of Health announced yesterday (Oct 13) that the second screening of a patient suspected of being infected with Ebola came out negative. Souleymane Bah, 47, came from Guinea to Brazil through several countries. The Evandro Chagas Institute, in Belém, Pará, has confirmed that he has not contracted...

Francis A. Countway Library Fellowships in the History of Medicine 2015-16

The Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine offers annual fellowships to support research in the history of medicine. The Countway Library is the largest academic medical library in the United States, and its Center for the History of Medicine holds 250,000 books and journals published before 1920 and is strong in virtually every medical discipline. The...

Fiocruz carries out studies with mosquitoes to reduce transmission of dengue fever

The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) has taken an important step into the project “Eliminate Dengue”, a natural method to block dengue virus transmission in Aedes aegypti. On last September, scientists released in Tubinacanga – a neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro – mosquitoes with the bacteria Wolbachia. Scientists can transfer Wolbachia from...

Brazil reports first suspected Ebola case

Souleymane Bah, a 47 year old missionary coming from Guinea, is being treated in the Institute of infectology Evandro Chagas, Fiocruz.

Call for panels

The II CHAM international Conference is seeking for panelists about Knowledge Transfer and Cultural Exchanges. The event will take place from 15-18 July 2015, in the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Proposals must consist of: • a panel title • name and email addresses of panel convenor or convenors • a short abstract of no more 300 characters • long...

Taller de historia social de la salud y la enfermidad

Rosario, Argentina, 15, 16 y 17  de octubre de 2014 El objetivo de la actividad consiste en analizar la vigencia y la renovación de la Historia de la Salud y la Enfermedad, en torno a tres grandes líneas interpretativas: “La Historia de la Salud Pública”, “La Nueva Historia de la Medicina” y “La Historia sociocultural de la...