La evaluación fue realizada por expertos que participaron en una sección sobre la percepción pública de la ciencia durante la Fapesp Week Buenos Aires.
Jobs: University of Liverpool Lecturer in the History of Medicine
Vacancy for temporary lecturer in the Department of Public Health and Policy, in affiliation with the Department of History. Closing date for applications: 30 April.
The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database
An Emory University Digital Initiative offers maps, documents, essays and images of slave voyages that forcibly embarked over 12 million Africans for transport to the Americas between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries.
Call for Papers: Joint Atlantic Seminar for the History of Medicine
They welcome presentations on any topic and time period and especially hope to receive submissions that speak to this year’s theme of Materiality Medica.
When the reviwers disagree
The academic career coach Karen Kelsky takes up the question of how to make sense of conflicting advice from reviewers and shepherd your article successfully through publication.
Job opportunity: Lecturer in Latin American History
The Department of History at Kings College, London, seeks for a Lecturer in Modern Latin American History, tenable from 1 September 2015.
Study analyzes the use of social networks in the assessment of scientific impact
A study conducted by the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland led to the conclusion that scholars tend to use social networks more in the Facebook than in the Twitter approach.
Childbirth in Bolivia’s High Plans
Olmo Calvo, a freelance photojournalist from Madrid, documented childbirths of Aymara women in the Bolivian Altiplano.
History of women in science – in pictures
To celebrate the International’s Women’s Day, The Guardian newspaper published a collection of photos of women in science.
Health for all – A project of the National Library of Medicine
A revolution in global health is taking place in villages and towns around the world. Communities, in collaboration with scientists, advocates, governments, and international organizations, are taking up the challenge to prevent disease and improve quality of life. Recognizing all the factors that cause illness, they are working on a wide range of issues—from...