European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Its latest issue, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the journal includes articles about LGBT rights, urban development and neoliberalism in Latin America.

Global Health Social Science

This is an open access collaborative forum for anyone working in global health and using qualitative and participatory research methods. It aims to provide a space to share new resources and reflect on practice.

La mujer que quiso ir a la cárcel y al manicomio para contarlo

Magda Donato se empecinó en contar la vida de las internas en un sanatorio. No le bastaba con mirar o escuchar lo que le quisieran decir: tenía que vivir con ellas, ser una más.

New Wellcome Trust research funding opportunities

This new research funding scheme aims at granting research awards to Health Professionals seeking to carry out humanities or social science research.

Job opportunity: Medical Humanities Advisor

The Wellcome trust is looking for someone with the ability to identify the very best research across the many academic disciplines that make up the medical humanities.

AIDS Between Science and Politics

Peter Piot, founding executive director of UNAIDS, recounts his experience as a clinician, scientist, and activist fighting the disease from its earliest manifestation to today.

Calls for Papers: Medical Knowledge in a Social World

Abstracts should be submitted by January 20th, 2016.

Politics, Society and Culture in Post-Conflict Peru

The journal Latin American Perspectives welcomes articles for its special issue about post-conflict Peru.

The Rise and Decline of History Specializations over the Past 40 Years

The field with the largest proportional expansion was environmental history.

Medicine confronts violence

The digital exhibition “Confronting violence: improving women’s life” shows the struggle of US activists to include domestic violence within the context of health issues.