LASA travel grants 2017

The Health, Science, and Technology section of the Latin American Studies Association offers individual travel grants to help its members alleviate the costs of attending the LASA International Congress in Lima.

Se ha publicado el último número de la revista Trashumante

La revista está disponible en acceso abierto.

New issue of Social Medicine

The first issue of the year features a research on people addicted to crack in São Paulo.

Call for papers: The governance of health

Call for papers. 10-12 July 2017 at the Liverpool Medical Institution.

Mundos de la naturaleza y medicina: Nuevas perspectivas históricas

Convocatoria para la presentación de propuestas. Conferencia/taller agosto 2-3, 2017. Fiocruz

Nísia Trindade Lima is the new president of Fiocruz

She is the first woman to lead Fiocruz.

Call for Papers: Special Issue on New Trends in the Historiography of Medicine

Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science calls for submissions related to the new methodological approaches and objects in the field of the history of medicine.

2016’s best bits: breakthroughs in science

From the discovery of gravitational waves to a promising male contraceptive, the article says 2016 was a groundbreaking year for science.

Convocatoria: Migración de Retorno en América Latina

December 2016 Apuntes, Revista de Ciencias Sociales convoca a los investigadores que se encuentren desarrollando estudios sobre migración de retorno en América Latina a enviar sus colaboraciones para el número 81, a publicarse en Octubre del 2017. Este número de Apuntes abordará el tema de migración combinando dos cuerpos teóricos: migración de...

Employment opportunity: Center for Latin American Studies

The University of Chicago Center for Latin American Studies invites applications for a position as Lecturer in Latin American Studies.