It shows how Brazilian eugenicists reconfigured their practices after the Second World War and refused the idea that Brazilian eugenics would have been “soft” and dissociated from scientific racism.
This work focuses on the Manguinhos Historical Architectural Site at the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz headquarters in Rio de Janeiro, analyzing the meaning of social participation in the recognition, appropriation, preservation, and enhancement of cultural heritage.
El trabajo de Miguel Huertas-Maestro analiza la pertinencia del término “freudomarxismo”, sus diferencias con un psicoanálisis militante argentino influyente en corrientes sociales del psicoanálisis en España, y hace una revisión histórica del movimiento.
Este artículo de la antropóloga Laura Estupiñán presenta los hallazgos arqueológicos sobre la papa en la cordillera de los Andes y retoma los usos, significados y formas productivas nativas del alimento.
The relationship between territory, memory, and heritage on the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation’s headquarters campus and its surroundings is analyzed in the second supplement of volume 30 of HCSM.
Este artículo analiza la formación de una cultura científica entre los intelectuales de La Paz (Bolivia) durante los años previos a la guerra del Pacífico, partiendo del estudio de grandes periódicos locales.
This National Library of Medicine exhibition traces the impact of aspirin from its ancient precursors, through world wars, to modern medicine in this curated collection, with selections in multiple languages.
See the review written by María-Isabel Porras of the book Pandemic Re-Awakenings: The Forgotten and Unforgotten ‘Spanish’ Flu of 1918-1919, Edited by Guy Beiner.