The Kraepelinian network: psychiatric knowledge in Brazil and Germany from the late 1800s to the beginning of Second World War

This original work contributes to understanding the relations between Brazil and Germany from a transnational historical perspective, focusing on interweaving and circulating knowledge.

Women in the history of science

This book, published by UCL Press, centers on the voices and experiences of women across a range of domains of knowledge. It is available for free download.

Science, gender and feminism in HCS-Manguinhos

In its 29 years of existence, Revista História Ciências Saúde Manguinhos has published numerous articles, special issues, and blog posts discussing different aspects of women and gender and interviews with prominent researchers about these topics.

The press and hygiene in nineteenth-century Rio de Janeiro

One of the aspects that received the most attention from nineteenth-century journalists was the hygiene and health of the population of Rio de Janeiro. Women and men became the targets of a series of prescriptions in the press that described how the people of the city should care for their body and health, after all, a healthy body was a prerequisite for shaping men and women suitable to contribute to the future of the Empire.

El Libro de Cirugía, manuscrito de medicina jesuita en las misiones del cono sur

Acceda a la reseña completa de Miguel de Asúa y al Libro de Cirurgía, editado por Eliane Deckmann Fleck.

The rise of psychoanalysis in US hospitals, 1903-1937

This article explores the work of William Alanson White, who was superintendent of St. Elizabeths, the largest hospital in the United States between 1903 and 1937, and had a significant impact on the practice of the psychoanalytic method in the hospital setting in the country. White considered psychoanalysis important for healing both the individual as well as society.

Images from the history of medicine

The U.S National Library of Medicine offers more than 70 thousand images from the history of medicine from the 15th to 21st. century.

Orígenes y desarrollo de una política científica nacional en Chille

El artículo de María Soledad Zárate, Daniel Sierra y Margarita Goldflam caracteriza los orígenes y desarrollo de Conycit desde 1967 hasta 1981, cuando al crearse el Fondo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología se inicia una nueva etapa institucional.

Opening reflections on the historiographies of psychotherapies

It situates the transcultural histories of psychotherapies within the context of adjacent fields.

5th Luso-Brazilian Conference on the History of Tropical Medicine

Following the previous congress, which focused on the discussion of planetary health on the United Nations Agenda, this meeting is a privileged moment to bring together national and foreign researchers to promote a forum for reflection and discussion on the concept of One Health, as the result of the most recent discussion on the COVID-19 pandemic.