The importance of science communication in public health development

New issue of Ciência & Saúde Coletiva discusses the importance of scientific publication in the development of public health.

Amazonian artwork by Wallace and Bates now accessible online

Pencil drawings and watercolour paintings by Alfred Russel Wallace and Henry Walter Bates during their expedition to the Amazon between 1848-1852 are now available online.

Jornadas sobre erradicación: Viruela y poliomielitis

Acceda al programa de la Universidad de Castilla y La Mancha para saber más sobre estas jornadas interdisciplinares entre el 2-3 de julio de 2015.

Por una cultura de la prevención

La investigadora Claudia Agostoni se detiene sobre aspectos tratados en su artículo para HCS-Manguinhos y delinea paralelos con la actualidad.

Provincialización antes que nacionalización

En artículo para HCS-Manguinhos María José Ortiz Bergia analiza el protagonismo provincial en la construcción del sistema sanitario argentino.

Digitalizan en Chile archivo sobre jesuitas en América

El archivo ya está disponible para todos los interesados y se consolida como una importante fuente de información histórica.

Fiocruz awarded on science communication

The annual award is destined towards projects that contribute to make science, technology and innovation available for a broad audience.

World’s biodiversity literature now freely available online

SciELO integrates the Biodiversity Heritage Library, a consortium that is digitizing the collections of leading research institutions around the world for online open access.

The Journey to Universal Health Coverage

‘Health for All: The Journey to Universal Health Coverage’, based on the 2014 WHO Global Health Histories seminar series, has now been published and is available for download.

An open-access tool for researchers on social medicine

The Social Medicine journal seeks to promote publications by authors who have been under-represented in academic medicine.