Blog project relates gender and medicine

Nursing Clio is a an open access, peer-reviewed, collaborative blog project that ties historical scholarship to present-day issues related to gender and medicine.

Zika virus can cross the placenta at any stage of pregnancy

This recent research analyzed tissues of Brazilian pregnant women. One woman gave birth to a healthy baby despite the presence of the virus in her samples.

Vol. 22 • Supplement • December 2015

EDITORS’ NOTE Crises can trigger change Silva, André Felipe Cândido da; Cueto, Marcos · text in English | Portuguese ANALYSIS Between control and hacker activism: the political actions of Anonymous Brasil Machado, Murilo Bansi · abstract in English | Portuguese · text in English | Portuguese Regulating the internet: a comparative analysis...

Vol. 22 • n. 4 • Out.-Dec. 2015

EDITORS’ NOTE Cueto, Marcos; Silva, André Felipe Cândido da · text in English | Spanish ANALYSIS On the emergence and consolidation of bioethics as a discipline, as seen from a sociological perspective Irrazábal, Gabriela · abstract in English | Spanish Hansen’s disease in the state of Amazonas: policy and institutional treatment of a...

El ácido fólico y el embarazo: un éxito de la medicina preventiva

El ensayo analiza los estudios científicos sobre una de las malformaciones genéticas más frecuentes y su relación con la nutrición.

Poliomielitis en España, 1950-1975: La OMS y el franquismo

Artículo de Rosa Ballester, María Isabel Porras y María José Báguena analiza las misiones de expertos de organismos sanitarios internacionales en España entre 1950-1975.

La poliomielitis en América Latina

Adriana Alvarez discute la polio en perspectiva histórica y analiza los aportes de los estudios recientes de la enfermedad en América Latina y los programas de inmunización.

HCSM added new international editors

Gabriela Soto Laveaga (University of California), Karina Ramacciotti (Universidad de Buenos Aires) and Paul Drinot (University College London) will contribute to the internationalization of the journal.

Vol. 22 • n. 3 • Jul.-Sept. 2015

EDITORS’ NOTE Silva, André Felipe Cândido da; Cueto, Marcos · text in English | Portuguese ANALYSIS Theories about the propagation of yellow fever: the scientific debate in the São Paulo press between 1895 and 1903 Lódola, Soraya; Góis Junior, Edivaldo · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in English | Portuguese The...

Call for submission proposals for PCST 2016

If you are active in science communication research, practice, training or education consider submitting proposals for the 14th International PCST.