ANALYSIS The frontiers of ‘abnormality’: psychiatry and social control Magali Gouveia Engel abstract The values and institutional practice of science: Robert Merton’s and Thomas Kuhn’s conceptions Simone Petraglia Kropf and Nísia Trindade Lima abstract Positivism and medical science in Rio Grande do Sul: the Faculdade de Medicina de Porto...
Vol. 5 • supplement • July 1998
ANALYSIS War as a picture and a spectacle: history staged in Os sertões Berthold Zilly abstract Between Clio and Calliope: construction of the historical narrative in Os sertões Luiz Fernando Valente abstract The discursive ontology of Os sertões Leopoldo M. Bernucci abstract Os sertões: present time and archaism in the cultural representation of a...
Vol. 5 • n. 2 • June-Oct. 1998
ANALYSIS Science and nation: romanticism and natural history in the works of E. J. da Silva Maia Lorelai Kury abstract History of public health in Mexico: 19th and 20th centuries Ana Cecilia Rodríguez Romo e Martha Eugenia Rodríguez Pérez abstract Parabolic parables: predictive genetic testing, social constructions of risk, and the relation between...
Vol. 5 • n. 1 • Mar.-June 1998
ANALYSIS Ethics and ideology in the science of Nollet and Franklin Lewis Pyenson abstract Journey(s) to Santos Henrique Luiz Cukierman abstract The genesis and development of alimentary education: the creation of a norm Eronides da Silva Lima abstract Stories of life, stories of culture Fernando Sergio Dumas dos Santos abstract From mystical panacea to medical...
Vol. 4 • n. 3 • Nov. 1997 – Feb. 1998
ANALYSIS The dawning of a new science Pedro Motta de Barros abstract Constructing the legitimacy of a health-care profession Marta V. Schapira abstract The Rio de Janeiro Medical and Surgical Society: the genesis of an alternative institutional network Luiz Otávio Ferreira, Marcos Chor Maio and Nara Azevedo abstract Technical work in health-care R&D...
Vol. 4 • n. 2 • July-Oct. 1997
ANALYSIS Post-normal science and extended peer communities in the face of environmental challenges Silvio Funtowicz and Jerry Ravetz abstract From race to health in Master and slave Luiz Antonio Teixeira abstract Health care reform in Mexico and the dynamics and politicization of interests: an approach Raquel Abrantes Pêgo abstract Recruitment of the elite,...
Vol. 4 • n. 1 • Mar.-June 1997
ANALYSIS La dansarina: the influenza epidemic and the quotidian report of Rio de Janeiro city Nara Azevedo de Brito abstract Causality and epidemiology Rita Barradas Barata abstract An island of scientific competence: a history of Brazil’s Institute of Agricultural Chemistry in the memory of its scientists Lina Rodrigues de Faria abstract From contagion...
Vol. 3 • n. 3 • Nov. 1996 – Feb. 1997
ANALYSIS The symbolic geopolitics of syphilis: an essay in historical anthropology SÉRGIO CARRARA abstract Historical necessity and human action in Morte e vida severina DJALMA AGRIPINO DE MELO FILHO abstract Important families and the ‘professional’ elite within Brazilian medicine ODACI LUIZ CORADINI abstract Lessons for the history of science in...
Vol. 3 • n. 2 • july-oct. 1996
ANALYSIS Speed/temporal acceleration and emerging infections: epidemiology and social time Gil Sevalho abstract Living among exposures and ailments: the theory of risk relativity LUIS DAVID CASTIEL abstract Immigration and epidemics in the state of São Paulo RODOLPHO TELAROLLI JUNIOR abstract The debate on experimental medicine under the second reign FLAVIO...
Vol. 3 • n. 1 • mar.-june 1996
ANALYSIS Metaphors of immunology: war and peace ILANA LÕWY abstract On technology RICARDO LAFETÁ NOVAES abstract “Better a donkey that bears me than a camel that bucks me… up in Ceara” MARIA MARGARET LOPES abstract The meaning of vaccine or when predicting is a duty MYRIAM BAHIA LOPES abstract Manoel Bomfim and Euclides da Cunha: dissonant...