ANALYSIS Starvation, eugenics and the development of nutrition in Pernambuco according to Gilberto Freire’s, Josué de Castro’s and Nelson Chaves’ analyses FRANCISCO DE ASSIS GUEDES DE VASCONCELOS abstract Epidemic constitution: old and new theories and practices in epidemiology DINA CZERESNIA abstract Santa Tereza windows: a study of...
Vol. 8 • n. 1 • Mar.-Jun. 2001
ANALYSIS Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Bram Stoker’s Dracula: gender and science in literature LUCIA DE LA ROCQUE and LUIZ ANTONIO TEIXEIRA abstract Cathedrals to sciences or temples of knowledge? The museums of natural sciences of Cordoba, Argentina, by the end of the 19th century LUIS TOGNETTI abstract The biomedical model and the...
Vol. 8 • supplement 2001
ANALYSIS Travels and science in Brazil DAVID MARCUS KNIGHT abstract For a better understanding of colonial domains: the creation of an information net during the Portuguese Empire at the end of the eighteenth century ÂNGELA DOMINGUES abstract Analogies et contrastes entre l’expédition d’Egypte et le voyage d’Humboldt et...
Vol. 7 • n. 3 • Nov. 2000-Feb. 2001
ANALYSIS Preserved Stegomyia and vinegared microbes: Brazil’s triumph in Berlin HENRIQUE LUIZ CUKIERMAN abstract Life in Manguinhos: the career trajectory of a group of scientists at the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz CARLOS EDUARDO CALAÇA abstract Public health and chemical-pharmaceutical companies MARIA ALICE ROSA RIBEIRO abstract Scientific diffusion...
Vol. 7 • n. 2 • July-Oct. 2000
ANALYSIS Poison and the mosquito: epistemological aspects of the etiology and prophylactics of yellow fever SANDRA CAPONI abstract Gilberto Freyre, environmental history and ‘rurbanization’ JOSÉ MARCOS FROEHLICH abstract Tuberculosis throughout the times HELEN GONÇALVES abstract The construction of the “sick-subject” in RSI MARILENE...
Vol. 7 • n. 1 • Mar.-June 2000
ANALYSIS Pharmaceutical patents and the accessibility of drugs in Brazil Marília Bernardes Marques abstract Politics and social medicine in Chile: narratives concerning a difficult relationship Maria Eliana Labra abstract Is allastrim small pox? Luiz Antonio Teixeira abstract Serving the fatherland: the mobilization of Brazilian nurses during World War...
Vol. 6 • supplement • September 2000
ANALYSIS Private investments, environmental impact, and the quality of life at a mining venture in the Amazon: the case of the Serra do Navio manganese mine in Amapá José Augusto Drummond abstract Biosphere, history, and conjuncture in an analysis of the main Amazon issues José Augusto Pádua abstract Involuntary voyagers: Portuguese banished to colonial...
Vol. 6 • n. 3 • Nov. 1999 – Feb. 2000
ANALYSIS Tuberculosis in Argentinean literature: three examples in novels, short stories, and poetry Adrián Carlos Alfredo Carbonetti abstract The anthropology of disease and of the diseased: perceptions and life strategies adopted by tuberculosis patients Claudio Bertolli Filho abstract The entire life that might have been but was not: the story of a poet...
Vol. 6 • n. 2 • July-Oct. 1999
ANALYSIS McClung and gender determination: from wrong to right Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins abstract Bodies scorned: when medicine and caricature meet Myriam Bahia Lopes abstract Bleeders and surgeons: medical practitioners in nineteenth century Minas Gerais Betânia Gonçalves Figueiredo abstract Resignifying hygienic concepts: the establishment of a...
Vol. 6 • n. 1 • Mar.-July 1999
ANALYSIS Public and private in times of the pest Sandra Caponi abstract The small pox vaccine: its first century in Brazil (from the Jennerian to the animal vaccine) Tania Fernandes abstract The city and the death: yellow fever and its impact on funeral customs in Rio de Janeiro (1849-50) Cláudia Rodrigues abstract From the antiquity of man in Argentina’s...