V. 10 • supplement 2 • 2003 – Immunization in Brazil: history and perspectives

ANALYSIS  Smallpox immunization in 19th century Brazil: inoculation, variolization, vaccine, and revaccination TANIA MARIA FERNANDES  abstract  The beginnings of the smallpox vaccine in São Paulo: a little-known storu LUIZ ANTONIO TEIXEIRA and MARTA DE ALMEIDA  abstract The vaccinal hypothesis: towards a critical and anthropological approach to a...

Vol. 10 • n. 3 • Sept.-Dec. 2003

ANALYSIS Politics, actors, and interests in the process of institutional change: the creation of the Brazilian Ministry of Health in 1953 WANDA HAMILTON and CRISTINA FONSECA abstract  Public health in times of bureaucratization: the case of the physician Noel Nutels CARLOS HENRIQUE ASSUNÇÃO PAIVA abstract  On the origin and spread of cutaneous and mucosal...

V. 10 • supplement 1 • 2003 – Leprosy: a Long History of Stigma

ANALYSIS  Leprosy and the elusive M. leprae: colonial and imperial medical exchanges in the nineteenth centur JO ROBERTSON  abstract Social representation of Hansen’s disease thirty years after the term ‘leprosy’ was replaced in Brazil MARIA LEIDE WAND-DEL-REY DE OLIVEIRA, CARLA MARIA MENDES, RACHEL TEBALDI TARDIN, MÔNICA DUARTE CUNHA,...

Vol. 10 • n. 2 • May-Aug. 2003

ANALYSIS Swamps, men and crabs in Josué de Castro: meanings and their unfolding DJALMA AGRIPINO DE MELO FILHO  abstract  The institutionalization of epidemiology as a subject at Rio de Janeiro Federal University Medical School CARLOS HENRIQUE DUARTE ALVES TORRES and DINA CZERESNIA abstract  Lobotomy and leucotomy in Brazilian mental hospitals ANDRÉ LUIS...

Vol. 10 • n. 1 • Jan.-Apr. 2003

ANALYSIS Adolpho Lutz: a biographical sketch JAIME LARRY BENCHIMOL  abstract  On ‘the abominable profession of being a vampire’: Emílio Goeldi and Mosquitos in Pará (1905) NELSON SANJAD  abstract  Epistemological frameworks of tropical medicinel SANDRA CAPONI  abstract  Salvador, world city: from Germany to Bahia MARIA RENILDA NERY BARRETO...

Vol. 9 • supplement • 2002

ANALYSIS The trail of Aids in Peru MARCOS CUETO  abstract Health and power: the political emergence of AIDS/HIV in Brazil MARIA CRISTINA DA COSTA MARQUES  abstract Economics, politics, and public health in Porfirian Mexico (1876-1910) ANA MARIA CARRILLO  abstract Modernization, medicine, disease, and public health in Caracas (1870-1877) GERMÁN YÉPEZ...

Vol. 9 • n. 3 • Sept.-Dec. 2002

ANALYSIS  The unfolding of the blood circulation doctrine: the correspondence between William Harvey and Caspar Hofmann in May 1636 REGINA ANDRÉ REBOLLO  abstract Reopening the ‘black box’: discontinuity and continuity in the discourse on Aids in the USA (1997-98) JOÃO BÔSCO HORA GÓIS  abstract The training of public school cafeteria staff:...

Vol. 9 • n. 2 • May-Aug. 2002

ANALYSIS A research experience in a peripheral region: the Amazon BARBARA WEINSTEIN  abstract Psychoanalysis and sexology in Rio de Janeiro between the two world wars: between science and self improvement SERGIO LUÍS CARRARA and JANE ARAÚJO RUSSO  abstract  The Internet and self treatment: how to put them together? LUÍS DAVID CASTIEL and PAULO ROBERTO...

Vol. 9 • n. 1 • Jan.-April 2002

ANALYSIS Eradication of poliomyelitis in Brazil: the contribution of Fundação Oswaldo Cruz HERMANN G. SCHATZMAYR; ANA MARIA BISPO DE FILIPPIS; FABIAN FRIEDRICH; MARIA DA LUZ FERNANDES LEAL abstract  Psychiatry reform in Brazil from the 1980’s to present days: its history and concepts FERNANDO TENÓRIO  abstract  Old age, normality versus...

Vol. 8 • n. 3 • Sept.-Dec. 2001

ANALYSIS  Public Health facilities, international modernization and cooperation: Venezuela’s National Nursing School Project, 1936 – 1950 HEBE M. C. VESSURI  abstract Medical Schools in São Paulo and the creation of Escola Paulista de Medicina MÁRCIA REGINA BARROS DA SILVA  abstract Contribution of post-normal science to public health and the...