Vol. 15 • n. 2 • Apr./Jun. 2008

EDITOR´S NOTE ANALYSIS Carlos Chagas Filho’s choice of biological physics: reasons and motivations Almeida, Darcy Fontoura de abstract The public perception of information about the potential risks of genetically modified crops in the food chain Furnival, Ariadne Chloë; Pinheiro, Sônia Maria abstract The role of the media in the social construction of...

Vol. 15 • n. 1 • Jan./Mar. 2008

EDITOR´S NOTE ANALYSIS Against the odds: strategies, achievements and challenges of nursing on a global scale Santos, Luiz A. de Castro text in english Chaulmoogra oil as scientific knowledge: the construction of a treatment for leprosy Santos, Fernando Sergio Dumas dos; Souza, Letícia Pumar Alves de; Siani, Antonio Carlos text in english Asylum of...

Vol. 14 • supplement • Dec. 2007 – The Amazon: health, environment and culture

EDITOR´S NOTE ANALYSIS Brazilian scientists visit the Amazon: the scientific journeys of Oswaldo Cruz and Carlos Chagas (1910-13) Júlio César Schweickardt and Nísia Trindade Lima abstract Nature and civilization: the decorative panels of the Teatro Amazonas foyer Ana Maria Lima Daou abstract Sexuality and civilization in the tropics: gender, medicine, and...

Vol. 14 • n. 4 • Oct.-Dec. 2007

EDITOR´S NOTE ANALYSIS Struggling to a monumental triumph: re-assessing the final phases of the smallpox eradication program in India, 1960-1980 Sanjoy Bhattacharya text in english Joining pleasure and work in the making science: the Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro –1808 to 1860 Begonha Bediaga text in english The city of Santos and the expansion of...

Vol. 14 • n. 3 • July.-Sept. 2007

EDITOR´S NOTE ANALYSIS Child health in Latin America: historiographic perspectives and challenges Anne-Emanuelle Birn abstract Art, medical treatment and insanity: a territory in flux Elizabeth Maria Freire de Araújo Lima and Peter Pál Pelbart  abstract Dr. Voronoff’s curious glandular xeno-implants Ethel Mizrahy Cuperschmid and Tarcisio Passos Ribeiro de...

Vol. 14 • n. 2 • Apr.-Jun. 2007

EDITOR´S NOTE ANALYSIS Cholera epidemics in Córdoba as seen through the press. The supply of preventive and curative products during the 1867-68 epidemic Adrián Carbonetti and María Laura Rodríguez abstract Origin and destiny revisited: cloning as prophecy and promise Ana Maria Coutinho Aleksandrowicz and Fermin Roland Schramm abstract  Physics of...

Vol. 14 • n. 1 • Jan.-Mar. 2007

EDITOR´S NOTE ANALYSIS On acclimatization: Boudin and medical geography Sandra Caponi  abstract Medical geography and the French expeditions to Brazil: a description of the naval station in Brazil and the Prata (1868-1870) Rosa Helena de Santana Girão de Morais abstract ‘Magdalena fevers‘: medicine and society in the construction of a Colombian medical...

Vol. 13 • n. 4 • Oct.-Dec. 2006

EDITOR´S LETTER  ANALYSIS Samuel Pessoa: a scientific trajectory in the context of public health campaigns and developmentalism in Brazil Carlos Henrique Assunção Paiva abstract British medicine in the Peruvian Andes: the travels of Archibald Smith M.D. (1820-1870) Jorge Lossio text in english  Epigenetics and genetic determinism Hernán A. Burbano text...

Vol. 13 • supplement • 2006 – Dialogue between science and art

ANALYSIS Science fiction, perception, and ontology: is the world fake? Ciro Flamarion Cardoso abstract  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: art and nature, poetry and science Izabela Maria Furtado Kestler  abstract  Physics and literature: building a bridge between two cultures João Zanetic abstract  Science and art: unlikely relations? José Claudio Reis, Andreia...

Vol. 13 • n. 3 • April-Sept. 2006

ANALYSIS The League of Nations Health Organization and the rise of Latin American participation, 1920-40 Paul Weindling text in english “The demon that turned into worms”: the translation of public health in the British Caribbean, 1914-1920 Steven Palmer text in english Pressure or legitimization? Power and alternatives in the planning and adoption...