GUEST EDITOR`S NOTE ANALYSIS Cancer control in Brazil in the first half of the twentieth century Luiz Antonio Teixeira text in english Migrating techniques, multiplying diagnoses: the contribution of Argentina and Brazil to early ‘detection policy’ in cervical cancer Yolanda Eraso text in english Cancer, women, and public health: the history of screening...
Vol. 17 • n.2 • April-June 2010
EDITOR`S NOTE ANALYSIS The cerebralization of fatigue: an analysis of the cerebral hypothesis in the case of chronic fatigue syndrome Francisco Ortega, Rafaela Zorzanelli text in english The Paduan School of Medicine: medicine and philosophy in the modern era Regina Andrés Rebollo text in english Health and dietetics in medieval preventive medicine: the health...
Vol. 17 • n.1 • Jan.-Mar. 2010
EDITOR`S NOTE ANALYSIS The experience of a ‘weak and sick childhood’ far from home: the experience of the Maritime Asylum, Mar del Plata (1893-1920) Adriana Álvarez abstract Sport, medicine and art: the ‘enchanted science’ of the body in the works of Thomas Eakins Victor Andrade de Melo, Fabio de Faria Peres abstract A forgotten milestone of sanitation...
Vol. 16 • n.4 • October-December 2009
EDITOR`S NOTE ANALYSIS Luso-Brazilian enlightenment and the circulation of Caribbean slavery-related knowledge: the establishment of the Brazilian coffee culture from a comparative perspective Rafael de Bivar Marquese text in english A Portuguese manor in rural Brazil or The saga of the enlightened Dom Frei Cipriano and the garden of the former episcopal palace...
Vol. 16 • v.3 • July-September 2009
EDITOR`S NOTE ANALYSIS Fatigue and its disturbances: conditions of possibility and the rise and fall of twentieth-century neurastheni Rafaela Teixeira Zorzanelli text in english Elements for a history of neuroascese Francisco Ortega abstract Machado de Assis and psychiatry: a chapter in the relations between art and clinical practice in Brazil Elizabeth Maria...
Vol. 16 • Supplement 1 • July 2009
GUEST EDITOR`S NOTE CHAGAS´ BRAZIL: SCIENCE, HEALTH, AND SOCIETY ANALYSIS The discovery of Trypanosoma cruzi and Chagas disease (1908-1909): tropical medicine in Brazil Simone Petraglia Kropf, Magali Romero Sá text in english The reception by French physicians of Chagas’ discovery of Trypanosoma cruzi and American trypanosomiasis (1909-1925) Gabriel...
Vol. 16 • n. 2 • April/June 2009
EDITOR`S NOTE ANALYSIS ‘Mercenary wet-nurses’: the discourse of medical doctors and portraits of the wet-nurses – Brazil in the second half of the 19th century Sandra Sofia Machado Koutsoukos abstract The magic universe of cures: the role of magic practices and witchcraft in the universe of 17th century Mato Grosso Mario Sá abstract Corporate and...
Vol. 16 • n. 1 • Jan./Mar. 2009
EDITOR`S NOTE ANALYSIS Machines and arguments: from life support technologies to the definition of brain death Luciana Kind abstract Like Moses’ staff: pathological inheritance as an argument for medical vigilance of consanguine marriage in Mexico, 1870-1900 Fabricio González Sorianos text in english Impact of the flu pandemic of 1918-1919 on the general...
Vol. 15 • n. 4 • Oct./Dec. 2008
GUEST EDITOR`S NOTE ANALYSIS Assisted birth in 19th century Bahia Maria Renilda Nery Barreto text in english Women, the press, and hygiene: the medicalization of birth in Bahia (1910-1927) Marivaldo Cruz do Amaral abstract The Spanish Flu epidemic: a challenge to Bahian medicine Christiane Maria Cruz de Souza text in english Joanna de Sá: medicine, politics...
Vol. 15 • n. 3 • July/Sept. 2008
GUEST EDITOR`S NOTE ANALYSIS Portable antiquities: transportation, ruins, and communications in nineteenth-century archeology Irina Podgorny text in english Field science in the Railroad Era: the tools of knowledge empire in the American West, 1869-1916 Jeremy Vetter text in english ‘Scenes from deep Times’: bones, travels, and memories in the cultures of...