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What we did in 2023: a year of change and more internationalisation

In the editor’s letter of the new batch of articles of the 2024 edition of HCS-Manguinhos, scientific editor Marcos Cueto outlines the main activities undertaken by the journal’s team in the previous year.

The 2024 volume of HCS-Manguinhos is available in Scielo

The first batch of articles for the 2024 volume of HCS-Manguinhos includes 16 articles on different topics.

The birth of a Ministry of Public Health in Colombia, , 1946-1953

The shift process from a Ministry of Hygiene to a Ministry of Public Health in Colombia meant a transitional process towards the institutionalisation of North American model of Public Health.

História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos in 2021

The editor’s note of our latest issue celebrates the journal’s activities over the past year.

Our current issue is now available online

Topics include, among others, dengue fever in the 1980s, astronomy in Chile, Chinese diaspora and racism in Peru, pesticides in Franco’s regime and medicine during the Holocaust.

The history of relationships between animals

This dossier brings together a diversity of themes, authors, institutions, and methodological approaches on the history of animals, especially in Latin America.

Ramón Carrillo y una polémica en tiempos de Pandemia

“Ahora bien, existe sobre Carrillo una recurrente necesidad de ver su ‘otra cara’, algo así como un cíclico afán por descubrir lo oculto tras las evidencias incontrastables.” Para el historiador Gustavo Vallejo, la invocación a las libertades individuales frente a las restricciones basadas en criterios de salud pública, también contribuyó a que la Pandemia diera lugar a un intenso debate en torno al más importante sanitarista de la historia Argentina, Ramón Carrillo.

El cáncer como problema sanitario en la Argentina

El artículo analiza el proceso de creación del Instituto de Medicina Experimental, un centro destinado al estudio y el tratamiento del cáncer, inaugurado en el año 1922.

Newton International Fellowships

Are you an Early Career Academic (max. 7 years postdoctoral experience) looking to undertake a fully-funded fellowship in Latin American Studies in the UK?