Call for papers: Circulation and Exchange in Science and Diplomacy

Nov 2022

The DHST Commission of Science, Technology and Diplomacy (STAND) exists to promote and coordinate interdisciplinary historical studies on the relationships between science, technology and diplomacy.

STAND invites researchers for their 3rd Conference of the DHST Commission on Science, Technology and Diplomacy entitled “Circulation and Exchange in Science and Diplomacy”, from 19 to 21 July, 2023, at University of São Paulo. The conference will be co-hosted with the Department of Political Science of University of São Paulo (DCP/FFLCH-USP).

In 2019, STAND held its first conference in Copenhagen. the second, in 2022, was a hybrid meeting hosted in Beijing. In 2023, we will meet in São Paulo, Brazil.

In this meeting they will continue their project of developing a more diverse and inclusive global history of science, technology and diplomacy. This meeting will consider the plurality of historical actors that have engaged with issues related to science, technology, medicine, and the environment. We aim to consider their influence and impacts in both intra- and inter-regional contexts with particular emphasis on (but not limited to) the agency, activities, and influence of actors from Latin America.

They invite contributions exploring a wide range of themes but in particular welcome those involving or engaging with:

● Transboundaries (regionality and regional approaches; ‘science diplomacy’ and e.g., the Amazon or the Andes; transboundary water diplomacy; health issues across borders; transboundary pollution and monitoring);

● Networks and asymmetries (novel networks; South-South relations; indigenous approaches);

● Actors in ‘science diplomacy’ (local and non-governmental actors in IR; gender and ‘science diplomacy’; activism and actors in science diplomacy; indigenous approaches);

● ‘Science diplomacy’ and the Environment (conservation; water challenges);

● Materiality and ‘science diplomacy’ (diplomatic objects, water technologies,  disaster diplomacy);

● Open Science (Open Access/Source Science; and Digital Science Diplomacy);

● Advancing Science Diplomacy studies (theory, historiography, Southern approaches).

They invite submission of paper proposals which include: a title, abstract (300 words maximum), and a short CV (150 words maximum) to by 20 January 2023.

STAND 2023 Program Committee: Dr Aya Homei (Chair), Dr Barbara Silva, Dr Gabriela Ferreira, Dr Luciana Vieira Souza da Silva, Dr Sam Robinson.


● The conference is open to scholars at any career stage.

● The conference will be conducted in English.

● They particularly welcome submissions from Early Career Researchers, and a small number of
grants to support attendance will be available.

● There will be no fee to attend the conference, but participants will need to fund their own travel to/from, and accommodation in São Paulo.

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