November 2015
Jean Gayon (1949-2018), expert in evolutionary biology, died on April 28 of this year, after a long illness. In the guest editor’s note of the latest issue of HCSM (vol. 25 no.3 July/Sept. 2018), Gustavo Caponi, Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, highlights Gayon’s life and work.
According to Caponi, Gayon made a crucial contribution to the understanding of the development and conceptual structure of the theory of natural selection, especially as regards the relationship between the new synthesis and the positions of Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. Read the full note!
Read in our blog:
Amazonian artwork by Wallace and Bates now accessible online – Pencil drawings and watercolour paintings by Alfred Russel Wallace and Henry Walter Bates during their expedition to the Amazon between 1848-1852 are now available online.
Wallace Letters Online – In this collection, the Natural History Museum of London gathered over 5,000 letters to and from the British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace.