The experience of a ‘weak and sick childhood’ far from home: the experience of the Maritime Asylum, Mar del Plata (1893-1920)
Adriana Álvarez
Sport, medicine and art: the ‘enchanted science’ of the body in the works of Thomas Eakins
Victor Andrade de Melo, Fabio de Faria Peres
A forgotten milestone of sanitation in Brazil: the water and sewage system of Ouro Preto (1887-1890)
Alberto Fonseca, José Francisco do Prado Filho
Toxicity and apple production in southern Brazil
Jó Klanovicz
text in english
Regulation of the use of animals in Brazil in the twentieth century and the process of forming the current regime applied to biomedical research
Carlos José Saldanha Machado, Ana Tereza Pinto Filipecki, Márcia de Oliveira Teixeira, Helena Espellet Klein
From animal medical practitioners to veterinarians: historical note on animal medicine and the São Bento de Olinda Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Pernambuco (1912-1926)
Lúcio Esmeraldo Honório de Melo, Francisco de Oliveira Magalhães, Argus Vasconcelos de Almeida, Cláudio Augusto Gomes da Câmara
Hollingshead and Redlich: research on social class and mental illness fifty years after
Everardo Duarte Nunes
text in english
“Anything goes”?: the implicit dialogue between Paul Feyerabend and two Brazilian researchers, Maurício da Rocha e Silva and Newton Freire-Maia
Francisco Inácio Bastos
Alice’s adventures in the wonderland of knowledge: the path to current literacy
Javier Sanz-Valero, Luis David Castiel, Carmina Wanden-Berghe
Germanism and medicinal bathing in the early days of health resorts in Rio Grande do Sul
Sílvio Marcus de Souza Correa
text in english
An unpublished manuscript of naturalist Manuel Ferreira da Câmara: “A note on 185 extraction from the mines of the Principality of Transylvania” (1796)
Alex Gonçalves Varela
Sanitary education and public health in the State of Minas Gerais in the first half of the twentieth century
Jean Luiz Neves Abreu
Parasitology as an example of the potential for general rules for science
• review by Adauto Araújo and Fernando Salgueiro Passos Telles on Fundamentación epistemológica de la parasitología by Guillermo M. Denegri
text in portuguese
Natural history and medicine in the work of Adolpho Lutz (1855-1940)
• review by Nelson Sanjad on Adolpho Lutz: Obra Completa, by Jaime L. Benchimol and Magali Romero Sá
text in portuguese
The land of the Mother of God
• review by Marly de A.G.Vianna on Juazeiro do Padre Cícero: a terra da Mãe de Deus,
by Paulo Capel Narvai and Paulo Frazão
text in portuguese
An ecumenical experience
• review by María Silvia Di Liscia, on the site Cultures of Health
text in spanish
A panorama of buccal health in Brazil
• review by Paulo Nadanovsky on Saúde bucal no Brasil: muito além do céu da boca,
by Diogo Meyer and Charbel Niño El-Hani
text in portuguese