Machines and arguments: from life support technologies to the definition of brain death
Luciana Kind
Like Moses’ staff: pathological inheritance as an argument for medical vigilance of consanguine marriage in Mexico, 1870-1900
Fabricio González Sorianos
text in english
Impact of the flu pandemic of 1918-1919 on the general mortality profile in Boyacá, Colombia
Juan Manuel Ospina Díaz, Abel Fernando Martínez Martín, Oscar Fernando Herrán Falla
Save for eternity: principles of medical science in the age of Montaigne and Cervantes
Marcos Antônio Lopes
Does jesus have metal-free teeth in a country of the toothless?: dentistry of vanities and desires
Adauto Emmerich, Luis David Castiel
Mediation practices in epidemiological research from an ethnographic perspective
Luís Augusto Vasconcelos da Silva
Methodological proposal for a dual level analysis of qualitative data
Milena Pereira Pondé, Milena Siqueira Santos Mendonça, Carlos Caroso
Friar José Mariano da Conceição Veloso and the promotion of industrial techniques in colonial Brazil: discussion of some concepts from the chemical sciences
Fernando J. Luna
Human action in a Genomic Era: debates on human nature
Tatiana Gomes Rotondaro
text in english
Quantity, quality, harmony and adaption: the guiding principles of a society without hunger in Josué de Castro
Eronides da Silva Lima
text in english
Tradition, memory and archives of ‘brazilianness’: the unconscious in Mário de Andrade
Joel Birman
Comics for citizenship
Francisco Caruso, Cristina Silveira
Research in ethnobotany and the return of systematized knowledge to the community: a complex issue
Rubia Graciela Patzlaff e Ariane Luna Peixoto
Medicine, science and power: relations between France, Germany and Brazil in the period 1919-1942*
Magali Romero Sá, Jaime Benchimol, Simone Kropf. Larissa Viana, André Felipe Cândido da Silva
text in english
In the street, the people give voice to the republic
• review by Vera Lúcia Bogéa Borges on A república consentida: cultura democrática e científica do final do Império, by Maria Tereza Chaves de Mello
text in portuguese
From a faucet to a history and sociology of the city
• review by Jussara Freire on Cidade das águas: usos de rios, córregos, bicas e chafarizes em São Paulo, by Denise Bernuzzi de Sant’Anna
text in portuguese