Against the odds: strategies, achievements and challenges of nursing on a global scale
Santos, Luiz A. de Castro
text in english
Chaulmoogra oil as scientific knowledge: the construction of a treatment for leprosy
Santos, Fernando Sergio Dumas dos; Souza, Letícia Pumar Alves de; Siani, Antonio Carlos
text in english
Asylum of doctors
Arantes, Marco Antonio
He spirit of the law and the laws of the spirit: the evolution of Brazilian legal thought in the realm of mental health
Messas, Guilherme Peres
‘Yeah, you’re pregnant all right! And he’s beautiful!’ The construction of ‘truths’ in obstetric ultrasonography
Chazan, Lilian Krakowski
text in english
Chronic pain: an insubordinate object
Lima, Mônica Angelim Gomes de; Trad, Leny
“Let’s raise your child”: puericulture doctors and maternal pedagogy in the twentieth century
Martins, Ana Paula Vosne
From old age to third age: the historical course of the identities linked to the process of ageing
Silva, Luna Rodrigues Freitas
text in english
The vertigo of discontinuity: on the use of history in Michel Foucault’s archeology
Oliveira, Cristiane
A replicator in movement: similarities between Borges’ poetic narrative and the memes research agenda
Waizbort, Ricardo; de la Rocque, Lucia
text in english
Crania, bodies, and measurements: formation of the collection of anthropometric instruments at the Museu Nacional in the late nineteenth/early twentieth century
Sá, Guilherme José da Silva e; Santos, Ricardo Ventura; Rodrigues-Carvalho, Claudia; Silva, Elizabeth Christina da
Brazil-Medico and the contributions of medical-hygienist thought to the scientific bases of Brazilian physical education
Mendes, Maria Isabel Brandão de Souza; Nóbrega, Terezinha Petrucia da
The ‘whitening’ of Brazil
Santos, Ricardo Augusto dos
text in portuguese
Self-sufficiency in vaccinas: the history of an utopia
Silva, Luiz Jacintho da
text in portuguese
Good results in personnel training
Campos, André Luiz Vieira de
text in portuguese
Slavery and politics under the Empire
Salles, Ricardo
text in portuguese
Caridade e filantropia na distribuição da assistência: a irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Pelotas – RS (1847-1922)
Tomaschewski, Cláudia
text in portuguese
Controle social no Sistema Único de Saúde: análise da participação social e empoderamento da população usuária do sistema sanitário
Martins, Poliana Cardoso
text in portuguese