Vol. 14 • n. 2 • Apr.-Jun. 2007



Cholera epidemics in Córdoba as seen through the press. The supply of preventive and curative products during the 1867-68 epidemic
Adrián Carbonetti and María Laura Rodríguez

Origin and destiny revisited: cloning as prophecy and promise
Ana Maria Coutinho Aleksandrowicz and Fermin Roland Schramm

Physics of organisms versus hermeneutics of living being: the reach of the reductionist program in contemporary biology
Gustavo Caponi

Science and medical education in Brazil (1930-1950)
Lúcia Grando Bulcão, Almir Chaiban El-Kareh e Jane Dutra Sayd

Perspective of historical epistemology and health promotion in schools
João Batista Vianey Silveira Moura, Lídia Andrade Lourinho, Maria Teresa Moreno Valdês, Mirna Albuquerque Frota and Ana Maria Fontenelle Catrib

Understanding the theories about the rainbow
Priscila Faulhaber

Biopolitics in the genealogy of psychoanalysis: from salvation to cure
Joel Birman

In defense of psychiatric reform: for the dawn of a new anavoidable future
Ilana Lemos de Paiva and Oswaldo H. Yamamoto

Strategies for psychiatric reform in Barbacena municipality: cooperation between a public authority and the third sector
Lys Teixeira de Alvarenga and Cristiane de Oliveira Novaes 

“For a history of vaccination in Brazil“: an unpublished manuscript by Norberto and Macedo
Myriam Bahia Lopes and Ronald Polito

The militia of the Inquisition: members of the Holy Office in colonial Brazil
• review by Georgina Silva dos Santos on Agentes da fé: familiares da Inquisição portuguesa no Brasil colonial, by Daniela Buono Calainho
text in portuguese

Working cultures and treatment practices in modern Lisbon
• review by Lígia Bellini on Ofício e sangue: a Irmandade de São Jorge e a Inquisição na Lisboa moderna, by Georgina Silva dos Santos
text in portuguese

“Good vassal and good Portuguese”: José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, a naturalist and public figure
• review by Clarete Paranhos da Silva on “Juro-lhe pela honra de bom vassalo e bom português“: análise das memórias científicas de José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva (1780-1819), by
Alex Gonçalves Varela
text in portuguese

Myth and science – constructions and reconstructions
• review by Beatriz Teixeira Weber on Oswaldo Cruz: a construção de um mito na ciência
, by Nara Britto
text in portuguese

Images, practices and strategies for the implantation of gynecology in Belo Horizonte: the complexities of a process
• review by Rachel Soihet on A imagem social do médico de senhoras no século XX, by Rita de Cássia Marques
text in portuguese

The 1903 strike: origins of the workers’ movement in Rio de Janeiro
• review by Carlos Augusto Addor on Malandros desconsolados: o diário da primeira greve geral no Rio de Janeiro, by Francisca Nogueira de Azevedo
text in portuguese

Revisiting Rondônia: history, memory and science
• review by Adriana T.A. Martins Keuller on Rondônia, by E. Roquette-Pinto (reed.)
text in portuguese

Weighing up SUS as it comes of age
• review by Paulo Henrique Rodrigues on Saúde e democracia: histórias e perspectivas do SUS, by Nísia Trindade de Lima, Sílvia Gerschman, Flávio Coelho Edler e Julio Manuel Suárez (org.)
text in portuguese

text in portuguese

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