Similia Similibus Curentur: revisiting historical aspects of homeopathy nine years later
Anderson Domingues Corrêa, Rodrigo Siqueira-Batista, Luis Eduardo M. Quintas and Romulo Siqueira-Batista
The challenges of otherness: thoughts on gender and sexuality among activists from a Rio de Janeiro Aids NGO
Ana Paula V. Zaquieu
The transformation of the dental services market and the battle over a monopoly in 19th century dental practice
Cristiana Leite Carvalho
Ethics and the severina condition in the mangrove swamps of Capibaribe
Djalma Agripino de Melo Filho
A ‘library without walls’: a history of the creation of Bireme
Márcia Regina Barros da Silva, Luis ferla e Dante Marcello Claramonte Gallian
Negotiating the boundaries between cultures, illness, and treatments in everyday family life
Silvana Nair Leite e Maria da Penha Costa Vasconcellos
Carnival, the plague, and the Spanish flu
Ricardo Augusto dos Santos
An unpublished manuscript from the naturalist José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva: the document about the method for disinfecting the letters came from foreign countries
Alex Gonçalves varela and Maria Margaret Lopes
Order and discipline in urban space
• reviewed by Beatriz T. Weber on A higienização dos costumes: educação escolar e saúde no projeto do Instituto de Hygiene de São Paulo (1918-1925), by Heloísa Helena Pimenta Rocha
text in portuguese
Between race and class: the challenges of the concept of ethnicity in Latin America
• reviewed by Carlos Henrique Assunção Paiva on Etnicidade na América Latina:
um debate sobre raça, saúde e direitos reprodutivos, bySimone Monteiro e Livio Sansone
text in portuguese
Spotlight on PAHO: a history of international relations in health in the Americas
• reviewed by Carlos Henrique Assunção Paiva on El valor de la salud. Historia de la Organización Panamericana de la salud, by Marcos Cueto
text in portuguese
New facets of the history of medicine in Latin America
• reviewed by Claudio Bertolli Filho on Cuidar, controlar, curar: ensaios históricos
sobre saúde e doença na América Latina, by Gilberto Hochman and Diego Armus (org.)
text in portuguese
Learning to be a doctor: anthropological research into the modern culture of hospital practice
• reviewed by Cristiana Facchinetti on Saber e sentir: uma etnografia da aprendizagem da biomedicina, by Octávio Bonet
text in portuguese
The Amazon: new dynamics and territorial conceptions – geopolitics at the turn of the millennium
• reviewed by Gloria M. Vargas on Amazônia. Geopolítica na virada do III Milênio,
by Bertha K. Becker
text in portuguese
The field of medicinal plants in Brazil: lessons from a history
• reviewed by Kenneth Rochel de Camargo Jr. on Plantas medicinais: memória da ciência no Brasil, by Tania Maria Fernandes
text in portuguese
text in portuguese