The prelude to psychiatric reform in Brazil: the contradictions of the 1970s
Luiz Fernando Paulin and Egberto Ribeiro Turato
Hunger, solidarity, and ethics: discourse analysis of the movement Citizen’s Action against Hunger and Poverty and for Life
Francisco de Assis Guedes de Vasconcelos
The archeology of human aggressiveness: violence from a paleo-epidemiological perspective
Andrea Lessa
Existential understanding: a pedagogical approach to promoting life
Maria Adiléa Farias Lima, Ana Maria Fontenelle Catrib and Luiza Jane Eyre de S. Vieira
Science as a network of actors: philosophical resonance
Marcia Moraes
In the gap between science and art: a series of illustrations of triatomine bugs from the Oswaldo Cruz Institute
Ricardo Lourenço de Oliveira and Roberto Conduru
At the edges of civilization: Some Brazilian stories, by Hercule Florence
Francisco Foot Hardman and Lorelai Kury
Things of the Amazon
• reviewed byCristina Scheibe Wolff, on Tradições em movimento: uma etnohistória da saúde e da doença nos vales dos rios Acre e Purus, by Fernando Sergio Dumas dos Santos and Mariana de Aguiar Ferreira Muaze
text in portuguese
The sociology of health in France
• reviewed by Miguel Ângelo Montagner and Everardo Duarte Nunes, on Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, Médecines, patients et politiques de santé, n° 143, 2002
text in portuguese
AIDS, sexuality, and gender in a Rio de Janeiro favela
• reviewed by Laura Moutinho, on Qual prevenção? Aids, sexualidade e gênero em uma favela carioca, by Simone Monteiro
text in portuguese
Towards a history of curing practices
• reviewed by Magali Gouveia Engel, on Dizem que foi feitiço: as práticas da cura no sul do Brasil (1845 a 1880), by Nikelen Acosta Witter
text in portuguese
Humor, science, and politics in Isabelle Stengers
• reviewed by Márcia de Oliveira Teixeira on A invenção das ciências modernas,
by Isabelle Stengers
text in portuguese
The arts and crafts of healing in nineteenth-century Minas Gerais
• reviewed by Margarida de Souza Neves, on A arte de curar. Cirurgiões, médicos, boticários e curandeiros no século XIX em Minas Gerais, by Betânia Gonçalves Figueiredo
text in portuguese
Os cadernos de laboratório de Pasteur: uma reflexão sobre o público e o particular nas biografias de cientistas
• resenha de Moema de Rezende Vergara, sobre A ciência particular de Louis Pasteur, de Gerald Geison
text in portuguese
Notebooks from the Pasteur laboratory: some reflections on the public and private in the biographies of scientists
• reviewed by Nelson Sanjad, on Hartt: expedições pelo Brasil imperial (1865-1878) e Charles Frederick Hartt, um naturalista no Império de D. Pedro II, on Marcus Vinicius de Freitas
text in portuguese
Miguel Ozorio de Almeida and the project for a ‘scientific and cultural history of humanity’
Maria Rachel Fróes da Fonseca and Marcos Chor Maio
abstract in english
Rapport sur l´histoire scietifique et culturelle de l´humanité
Miguel Ozorio de Almeida
text in french
Miguel Ozorio de Almeida and the vulgarization of knowledge
Luisa Massarani e Ildeu de Castro Moreira
abstract in english
text in portuguese