Cholera Online

Le Choléra à Paris. Jeanron del.Frilley sc.

Epidemic cholera is an acute, painful, and often fatal disease which ravaged nearly the entire world during several severe outbreaks over the course of the19th century. It is a diarrheal disease which can cause death by dehydration to an untreated patient in a matter of hours and is extremely contagious in communities without adequate, modern sanitation, as most of the world was in 1817 when it first left India. News of its spread and impending approach often sent panic into entire nations, and health professionals were largely at a loss as to how to treat or prevent it until modern epidemiological and laboratory techniques were developed later in the century.

The National Library of Medicine has digitized 518 English language monographs dating from 1817 to 1900 dealing with the cholera pandemics of that period.

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Cholera gilbert islands

Tin Maung Maung, photographer. Mass Vaccination in the Gilbert Islands against cholera outbreak.

Related articles:

Carbonetti, Adrián and Rodríguez, María Laura. “Las epidemias de cólera en Córdoba a través del periodismo: la oferta de productos preservativos y curativos durante la epidemia de 1867-1868.” Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Jun 2007, vol.14, no.2, p.405-419. ISSN 0104-5970

Kaori Kodama, Tânia Salgado Pimenta; Francisco Inácio Bastos; Jaime Gregorio Bellido. “Slave mortality during the cholera epidemic in Rio de Janeiro (1855-1856): a preliminary analysis.” Hist. cienc-saude-Manguinhos vol. 19 supl. 1 Rio de Janeiro Dec. 2012.


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