Philosophy and history of science: a philosopher perspective

In exploring the interaction between history and the philosophy of science, we continue this conversation with philosopher Eleonora Cresto. In this interview, she provides an overview of the philosophy of science studies in Argentina, shares how her work provides a dialogue between philosophy and the history of science and offers her thoughts on the potential for further interaction between these two disciplines.

124 years of Fiocruz in HCSM

Fiocruz celebrates its 124th anniversary on May 25th. We selected a wide range of articles discussing the institution’s different aspects, areas, and activities.

Fotografía, medicina y corporalidad

Este artículo de Hilderman Cardona Rodas, profesor de la Universidad de Medellín, expone los soportes epistemológicos de una investigación sobre las representaciones sociales de la enfermedad desde el registro de la dermatología clínica durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX.

“Pandemics know no borders, but Responses to Pandemics Do”

In an article recently published in The Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Marcos Cueto, the scientific editor of HCS-Manguinhos, focuses on Brazil and Peru, the Latin American epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 and 2021.

History and Philosophy of Science: An Interview with Michael Osborne

In this interview with HCS-Manguinhos, Michael A. Osborne, former President of the Division of History of Science and Technology for the period 2017-2021, explains the crucial interaction between philosophy and history of science and how this can be improved.

Historia de la fiebre amarilla

El libro Historia de la Fiebre Aamarilla: Nacimiento de la medicina tropical está disponible para descarga gratuita en el Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas de la Universidad de México.

The 2024 volume of HCS-Manguinhos is available in Scielo

The first batch of articles for the 2024 volume of HCS-Manguinhos includes 16 articles on different topics.

La publicidad de medicamentos para las madres colombianas durante la primera mitad del siglo XX

Los medicamentos de venta libre, que se vendieron en Colombia en la primera mitad del siglo XX, convirtieron a la maternidad en un producto comercial a través de avisos publicitarios con llamativos eslóganes. Vendiendo la felicidad a través de la idea una buena madre.

A century devoted to mothers, children, and adolescents

The 2024 volume of HCS-Manguinhos celebrates the centenary of the Fernandes Figueira Institute, incorporated into Fiocruz more than 50 years ago.

The struggle of workers for rights and healthcare

These articles analyze questions such as rights for workers, the protection of motherhood for workers, legislation for occupational accidents, regulations related to working hours, and the struggle for healthcare coverage.