Call for Applicants: Incorporating Latin America and the Caribbean into Teaching in Environmental History

RECSLAC’s (Red de Ciencias y Saberes en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, Network on Sciences and Knowledges in Latin American and the Caribbean) seeks participants from diverse backgrounds who are interested in learning more about Latin American history of science and the environment. The workshop will be held just before the American Society of Environmental History conference in Denver, Colorado on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024.

The next International Congress of History of Science will be held in New Zeland in 2025

The conference theme will be Peoples, Places, Exchanges and circulation. This is the main international congress in the field of History of Science and Technology. Please register your interest here!

International agencies in Brazilian favelas in the 1960s

Documents from the Anthony Leeds archive at Casa de Oswaldo Cruz were used to analyze the work of three international agencies in the favelas and their conceptions of development.

Demoniac agitation

This article shows that the growth of radical actions, such as the assassination of French President Sadi Carnot in 1894, brought anarchism to the center of the criminological debates in Europe.

La trayectoria de un hipnotista en Buenos Aires como espejo de las transformaciones sanitarias y globales de fines del siglo XIX

Acceda a la reseña de José Ignacio Allevi publicada en el último volumen de HCS-Manguinhos (v.30 2023).

Se ha publicado el último número del periódico Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana y Caribeña (HALAC)

Esta edición de HALAC está compuesta por ocho artículos, una nota científica, dos reseñas de libros y la entrevista a Susanna Hecht, una geógrafa estadounidense, profesora de Planificación Urbana en la Universidad de California, Los Ángeles (UCLA) y profesora de historia internacional en el Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies en Ginebra.

One Health and new historical insights after pandemics

The Congress takes place in Lisbon, on June 14-16, 2023, and in Braga, on June 19-20, 2023. To participate in the online sessions, it is necessary to register. Check the links for online access.

Lecturas cruzadas entre deporte y eugenesia

Los Investigadores Alex Ovalle Letelier de la Universidad de La Serena (Chile) y Daniel Briones Molina del Centro de Estudios Históricos de la Universidad Bernardo O’Higgins (Chile), analizan el contenido de una valiosa fuente para el estudio histórico del Deporte y su relación con la Eugenesia, la Pedagogía y la Medicina.

Oceans and seas: history, science, policy

In 2014, HCS-Manguinhos published the dossier Oceans and seas: history science, policy (v.21, n.3, jul.-set. 2014) about the history of our oceans and policies about them. It features eleven articles ranging from reports written by Captain Robert FitzRoy, from HMS Beagle, during his trip to Brazil, to the myth of the Kraken, a “monster” that haunted sailors between Norway, Iceland, and Greenland.

Environmental imaginaries in late-nineteenth-century Peru

Researcher José Ignacio Mogrovejo Palomo examines writings by the Peruvian scientist Luis Carranza and indicates how the imaginary of the country’s geography made it possible to conceptualize nature as an essential component of Peruvian identity.