La astronomía en la expansión territorial de Chile (1883-1890)

El artículo propone que el Observatorio Astronómico Nacional cumplió un papel central para estas exploraciones geográficas, ayudando a obtener coordenadas geográficas precisas.

Una historia de la clínica psiquiátrica en México, 1910-1968

El libro, coordinado por Andrés Ríos Molina, está disponible en el sitio web de la Universidad Nacional de México.

História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos in 2021

The editor’s note of our latest issue celebrates the journal’s activities over the past year.

Some directions of the Global History of Science

Matheus Duarte is a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of St Andrews. See this interview with him.

Our current issue is now available online

Topics include, among others, dengue fever in the 1980s, astronomy in Chile, Chinese diaspora and racism in Peru, pesticides in Franco’s regime and medicine during the Holocaust.

The Gaceta Médica de México as an unsystematized manual of knowledge

The Gaceta Médica was first published in 1864 and it was the first national medical journal to circulate in different states of the Mexican Republic as well as other Latin American and European countries during the nineteenth century.

Una sola tierra

HCS-Manguinhos ha publicado varios artículos sobre medio ambiente desde una perspectiva histórica. Los artículos analizan temas como los archivos digitales de historia ambiental y la historiografía de los animales en América Latina.

The transit of plants: circulation of medical knowledge in South America

From records on plants and herbs made by doctors, healers, missionaries, and colonial administrators in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, this article explores ways of constructing knowledge about flora.