Learning from the llama

This article posits three eras of llama/human entanglements.

Agricultural programs in Mexico and India

In her research report, Gabriela Soto Laveaga, Professor of the History of Science at Harvard concentrates on different aspects of the RF’s activities in this arena.

Fauna nativa enjaulada

La geógrafa Claudia Leal reconstruye la historia de tres de los principales zoológicos colombianos, lo que le permite reflexionar sobre la relación de nuestras sociedades con el mundo natural.

Sobre la historia de los cantos de las aves o los cantos de las aves como historia

“Muchas aves, después de todo, transmiten y aprenden sus cantos unas de otras, construyen sobre ellos y los complican, recogiendo otros sonidos que asumen e incorporan, sonidos humanos incluidos.” El artículo de Concepción Cortés Zulueta, Investigadora post-doctoral de la Universidad de Málaga, es parte del dossier sobre la historia de los animales.

Museums contributed to extinction of only Central American seal

The Caribbean monk seal (Monachus tropicalis), the only seal species native to Central America, was declared extinct in 2008. This article traces how collection practices by museums, zoos, and aquariums contributed to its extinction.

History, historians and the covid-19 pandemic

This article from the dossier “Pandemics and epidemics in historical perspective”, of the journal Topoi, discusses, through a provocation to nine historians from different institutions and countries, the impact of the pandemic on their profession and on the field of history.

Unbalanced reciprocities

This supplement is a special issue about the history of animals, the result of an idea from four Brazilian researchers. See the guest editors’ note.

The history of relationships between animals

This dossier brings together a diversity of themes, authors, institutions, and methodological approaches on the history of animals, especially in Latin America.

Activism against cancer in Peru

The author briefly reviews the history of cancer in Peru by exploring the rise and decline of the anti-cancer league.

Scientific Partnerships in Brazil and the Malaria Service of the Northeast

Gabriel Lopes, postdoctoral researcher at Fiocruz, presents how Rockefeller Foundation’s International Health Division collaborated closely with Brazilian entomologists in the fight against malaria in Brazil.