Geology and medicine in Brazil

Oscar Nerval de Gouvêa was a scientist and teacher in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, whose work spanned engineering, medicine, the social sciences, and law. This paper discusses a manuscript entitled “Table of mineral classification,” which he appended to his dissertation presented to the Faculty of Medicine in 1889.

The study of the sea in Portugal

It addresses the institutionalization of marine biology in Portugal at the beginning of the 20th century, which included the creation of scientific research institutes and public aquariums.

La histeria y la santidad

El artículo de Andrea Graus, investigadora en el Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, en Paris, explora la apropiación de la terminología psiquiátrica por parte de teólogos y párrocos franceses en el siglo XIX. Esta apropiación le sirvió al clero para demarcar la experiencia mística “auténtica” de la simulada o “desviada”.

Photography and History of Medicine

August 19th, World Photography Day. A selection of articles and blog posts on photography from the history of medicine.

A history of prostitution in Peru

Paulo Drinot, professor of Latin American History at UCL, takes on the subject of sex work and sheds light on topics such as sexuality, public health, nation-building and state formation in Peru.

Marcos Cueto asume la presidencia de la División de Historia de la Ciencia y de la Tecnología de la IUHPST/DHST

La ciudad de Dunedin, en Nueva Zelanda, es la sede del próximo Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Ciencia y Tecnología a realizarse en el año 2025.

La colonia española y la salud en México

El artículo de María del Mar Gutiérrez Domínguez se acerca a las iniciativas de salud impulsadas por la colonia española en la capital mexicana durante el gobierno de Porfirio Díaz (1876-1911).

What is Fascism and Where does it Come From? 

According to this essay by historian Geoff Eley, Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Michigan, “languages of ‘fascism’ are now constantly in play, but rarely as carefully informed argument.”