Health diplomacy in Africa

It addresses regional dynamics in health diplomacy between 1920 and 1960. The article explores the alignments, divergences, and outcomes with respect to the strategies and policies pursued by colonial powers and independent African states.

Past responses to mental health

This NLM exhibition explores 200 years of mental health treatment in the United States, from asylums prison-like to a more inclusive treatment.

La salud global ayer y hoy

“La experiencia con la Covid-19 nos muestra los límites de una actuación global cuando no existe una institución global”. Esteban Rodríguez Ocaña, catedrático jubilado de Historia de la Ciencia de la Universidad de Granada, discute el papel de la OMS en la Europa de la posguerra y en esta pandemia de Covid-19.

Enseñanza, educación y salud

Para celebrar el día del maestro en Brasil, les compartimos tres artículos sobre la educación en salud

Collective isolation in Latin America

This photo exhibition seeks to promote a regional perspective of the collective isolation imposed by Covid-19. Check out the photo Gallery!

La Historia en épocas de pandemia

Adriana Alvarez, docente en la Universidad de Mar del Plata, discute el impacto de la pandemia en las investigaciones históricas.

Portuguese Communities in America

This Library of Congress exhibit celebrates Portuguese communities in the United States. It documents the migration of Portuguese people to America, their settlement in this new homeland and highlights the Portuguese contributions to the mapping of these lands.

Historical epidemiology in global health decision-making

This article analyzes three examples of public health campaigns.