The social construction of death

This article published in our latest issue aims to understand the development of the way deaths are accounted for in Brazil and its influence on how we perceive death.

The Moorish Pavilion and its design

This article discusses the aesthetic features and influences of the moorish pavilion such as the Alhambra, in Spain, and the Berlin Synagogue.

Medicina, salud y enfermedades

Una entrevista a Marcos Cueto, editor científico de HCS-Manguinhos, por Mariano Di Pasquale, Investigador y profesor en la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero. Cueto habla de las investigaciones que ha realizado y de otros otros temas de la historia de la medicina en América Latina.

Cesarean Operation in the Spanish Empire

The book reveals that ideas about the fetus have shifted dramatically over time. According to the authors, recognizing that these ideas are always locally situated and historically contingent can help us understand the complicated nature of reproductive politics in both the past and present.