Webminar del Centro de Relaciones Internacionales en Salud CRIS/Fiocruz.
The Division of History of Science and Technology of the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology invites submissions for the sixth DHST Dissertation Prize. Submissions must be on the history of science, technology, or medicine and can be in any language. Deadline: close 1 October 2020.
Una breve entrevista con Adrian Carbonetti y Maria Dolores Rivero, autores del libro “Argentina en tiempos de pandemia: la gripe española de 1918-1919”. Los autores analizan los aspectos más notables de esta investigación y en qué medida creen que la lectura de su obra habilita la comprensión del presente.
The Technical University of Darmstadt, near Frankfurt, Germany, announces a two-year post-doctoral position, beginning 1 October 2020. The successful candidate will become a member of a larger project called “A Global History of Technology, 1850–2000”. The project investigates the history of material culture and artifacts in various parts of the world from 1850 to 2000.