Los trabajadores en HCS-Manguinhos

En este primero de mayo, nuestro homenaje a todos los trabajadores. Preparamos una selección de artículos sobre diferentes aspectos del mundo laboral publicados en HCS-Manguinhos.

Revistas literarias americanistas

El sitio web Memoria Chilena reúne revistas literarias americanistas de la segunda mitad del XIX y informaciones sobre colaboraciones extranjera y escritores.

Casa de Oswaldo Cruz launches a new English-language website

This website is part of efforts by Fiocruz to internationalize its activities.

Two views on malaria

This research compares two views of malaria in the Amazon that coexisted side by side during the First Brazilian Republic (1889-1930). April 25, World Malaria Day.

Baniwa food myths and rituals

For the Baniwa people, in the northwestern Amazon, there is a unity of spirit between humans and animals. This article analyzes their eating myths and rites. April 19, Indian Day in Brazil

La epidemia de cólera (1886-1887) en Mendoza, Argentina

Este artículo analiza los discursos de los actores políticos realizados durante y después de las pestes.

A history of anatomy

We highlight two articles published in HCS-Manguinhos on anatomy and drawing.

A statement on science and technology in Brazil

The Deliberative Council of Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) – after a meeting on April 5, 2019 – has joined other scientific institutions to express intense concern about the cuts in the Federal Budget, announced by the Brazilian Ministry of Finance on March 29.

Biomedical knowledge in Mexico during the Cold War

This paper provides an overview of the state of Mexican genetics and biomedical knowledge during the second half of the twentieth century.

A brief history of measles

Measles was declared eradicated in the U.S. in 2000, but has staged a comeback as the inoculation rate has dropped.