En este primero de mayo, nuestro homenaje a todos los trabajadores. Preparamos una selección de artículos sobre diferentes aspectos del mundo laboral publicados en HCS-Manguinhos.
El sitio web Memoria Chilena reúne revistas literarias americanistas de la segunda mitad del XIX y informaciones sobre colaboraciones extranjera y escritores.
This research compares two views of malaria in the Amazon that coexisted side by side during the First Brazilian Republic (1889-1930). April 25, World Malaria Day.
For the Baniwa people, in the northwestern Amazon, there is a unity of spirit between humans and animals. This article analyzes their eating myths and rites. April 19, Indian Day in Brazil
The Deliberative Council of Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) – after a meeting on April 5, 2019 – has joined other scientific institutions to express intense concern about the cuts in the Federal Budget, announced by the Brazilian Ministry of Finance on March 29.