The establishment of the Manguinhos laboratory, 1894-1902

In order to understand the 1900 establishment of the Federal Serum Therapy Institute of Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, this paper analyzes the circulation of knowledge and international disputes surrounding vaccines.

Exile within Exiles: Herbert Daniel, Gay Brazilian Revolutionary

December, 2018 Herbert Daniel was a complex figure in social activism from the mid-1960s until his death in 1992. As a medical student, he joined a revolutionary guerrilla organization but was forced to conceal his sexual identity from his comrades, a situation Daniel described as internal exile. He spent much of the 1970s in Europe,  returned to Brazil in...

The Cultural Impact of Science in the Early Twentieth Century

December 2018 In the early decades of the twentieth century, engagement with science was commonly used as an emblem of modernity. This phenomenon is now attracting increasing attention in different historical specialties.Being Modern builds on this recent scholarly interest to explore engagement with science across culture from the end of the nineteenth century...

Call for applications: Dissertation Workshop on Afro-Latin American Studies

Doctoral students at universities anywhere in the world are invited to submit an application to the dissertation workshop at the Hutchins Center, Harvard University.

Photography and railroads

This article analyzes how railway engineering was connected to the production of photographs in nineteenth-century Brazil.

La ciencia en tiempos de neoliberalismo

Una breve entrevista con Karina Ramacciotti, Investigadora Independiente Conicet, sobre el momento actual de la ciencia en Argentina.

How London became the tuberculosis capital of Europe

Of more than 5,000 TB patients diagnosed in England every year, nearly 40% are Londoners.

“Entre 30 y 35% de los diagnósticos son muy tardíos”

Una breve entrevista con Massimo Ghidinelli, Jefe de la Unidad de VIH de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud, sobre el perfil epidemiológico actual del SIDA en América Latina y el Caribe.