The yellow fever in the US imaginary, 1821-1848

While commercial links between Mexico and the United States through the port city of Veracruz brought significant advantages, public health concerns around yellow fever produced fascination and fear among US audiences.

Health is not a commodity

See the Brazilian Contribution (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation and National Health Council) to the Global Conference on Primary Health Care, Astana, October 2018.

A morphology of ‘quilombos’ in the Americas, sixteenth-nineteenth centuries

20 November 2018 TheBlack Consciousness Day is held every November 20th to remember the death of Zumbi dos Palmares, one of the pioneers of resistance to slavery. Today, we highlight the paper  A morphology of ‘quilombos’ in the Americas, sixteenth-nineteenth centuries (available in Portuguese in HCS-Manguinhos vol.19  supl.1 Dec. 2012). The...

Funded PhD Studentship Opportunities in Medical Humanities at Newcastle University

November, 2018 American Association for the History of Science Newcastle University hosts a flourishing multidisciplinary medical humanities research network, involving participants from History; English Literature; Fine Arts; Creative Arts; Modern Languages; Archaeology; Classics; Music Studies; Media, Culture and Heritage; Sociology; Health and Society;...

A referendum on Trump’s policies and leadership

Eric D. Carter, Edens Associate Professor of Geography and Global Health at Macalester College examines the midterm election results and the prominence of themes such as healthcare and immigration.

El control de la correspondencia de los enfermos mentales en España, 1852-1987

Las cartas en los hospitales psiquiátricos españoles entre  1852-1987 eran leídas por médicos y administradores. Un artículo reciente explora los reglamentos que avalaban esta práctica

What happened in the recent elections in Brazil?

James N. Green, Professor of Modern Latin American History at Brown University analyzes possible dangers to public health and universities, and some ideas about the political future of Brazil.

Jean Gayon: historian and philosopher of biology

Gayon was a crucial contribution to the understanding of the development and conceptual structure of the theory of natural selection.

Medicine and healing in the colonial Caribbean

Adam Warren, professor at Department of History, University of Washington, reviews the book “The experiential Caribbean: creating knowledge and healing in the early modern Atlantic,” by Pablo F. Gómez.