While commercial links between Mexico and the United States through the port city of Veracruz brought significant advantages, public health concerns around yellow fever produced fascination and fear among US audiences.
A morphology of ‘quilombos’ in the Americas, sixteenth-nineteenth centuries
20 November 2018 TheBlack Consciousness Day is held every November 20th to remember the death of Zumbi dos Palmares, one of the pioneers of resistance to slavery. Today, we highlight the paper A morphology of ‘quilombos’ in the Americas, sixteenth-nineteenth centuries (available in Portuguese in HCS-Manguinhos vol.19 supl.1 Dec. 2012). The...
Funded PhD Studentship Opportunities in Medical Humanities at Newcastle University
November, 2018 American Association for the History of Science Newcastle University hosts a flourishing multidisciplinary medical humanities research network, involving participants from History; English Literature; Fine Arts; Creative Arts; Modern Languages; Archaeology; Classics; Music Studies; Media, Culture and Heritage; Sociology; Health and Society;...