Medios de transporte en el desarrollo de expediciones científicas en Argentina (1850-1910)

mayo 2018 La introducción de los medios de transporte a vapor en el río de la Plata produjo cambios referidos tanto a las formas de acceso al terreno disponibles al estudioso como a la organización del trabajo, el transporte de colecciones y el traslado de personal. El artículo Redes y medios de transporte en el desarrollo de expediciones científicas en...

Railroads and tropical medicine in Brazil

This paper by Jaime Benchimol and André Felipe Cândido da Silva, our former and current science editors, shows how railways supported the development of tropical medicine in the First Republic.

The medical-scientific project of Nise da Silveira

When electroshock and insulin therapies were still the norm, she was a singular voice advocating for a kinder approach to mental health.

La enfermería en la Argentina

Maximiliano Fiquepron comenta el libro “La Salud Pública y la Enfermería en la Argentina“, coordinado por Carolina Biernat, Juan Manuel Cerdá y Karina Ramacciotti.

Call for thematic issue: Journal of History of Science and Technology

May 2018  HoST– Journal of History of Science and Technology is an open access, on-line peer-reviewed international journal devoted to the History of Science and Technology, published in English by a group of Portuguese research institutions and De Gruyter ( HoST encourages submissions of original historical...

The III Luso-Brazilian Meeting on the History of Tropical Medicine + XXIII Brazilian Congress on the History of Medicine

The event will discuss the history of diseases, particularly those characterized as “tropical” or “neglected,” and the history of the institutions and health policies.

El cine y la difusión sanitaria

Este libro aborda los instrumentos de difusión sanitaria para impulsar la educación higiénica y de esta forma evitar el contagio de enfermedades.

Public History: la historia en público

abril 2018 The issue 68 (Apr 2018) of Historia Critica, a publication of the Universidad de los Andes (Colombia), is available online. It features a dossier on public...

Looking ahead to 2019: 25 years of HCSM

Our journal will celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2019. In the editor’s note of our current issue, science editors André Felipe Cândido da Silva and Marcos Cueto reflected on the progress made so far and the hurdles still to be overcome.