“Thinking historically might be a good idea”

In this interview to our blog the Professor of History at the University of Virginia Christian McMillen talks about the main challenges of tuberculosis control in developing countries today.

Profesionalización y construcción de sub-disciplinas médicas en Chile

Este libro aborda la construcción del proyecto de salud e higiene por parte del Estado hasta 1960 y el surgimiento de subespecialidades médicas.

Race and the Rockefeller Foundation

From 1927 to 1942, the Rockefeller Foundation ran a tuberculosis commission in Jamaica. This paper explores the role that race played in it.

Women in Medicine Legacy Foundation Research Fellowship

Preference will be given to projects that engage specifically with the history of women physicians, other health workers, or medical scientists.

Control de la Tuberculosis en Grandes Ciudades de Latinoamérica y el Caribe

La tuberculosis es un grave problema de salud pública en las Américas, en donde se estiman aproximadamente 23 000 muertos cada año por esta enfermedad, según los datos de la OMS.

MalariaX: Defeating Malaria from the Genes to the Globe

Free online course on malaria free offered by Harvard University

The tropics, science, and leishmaniasis

The article investigates the process of circulation of knowledge which occurred during the first decades of the twentieth century between South American researchers and Europeans.

Not a polar island: yellow fever in late nineteenth century Cuba

It analyses the struggle for medical and sanitary hegemony, which revolved essentially around that disease.

Homeopathy in Latin America, Spain and Portugal: Local Developments and its International Networks

March 2018 Invited Editors: Jethro Hernandez Berrones (Southwestern University) Patricia Palma, UC Davis. Deadline for papers: April 30, 2018. We are pleased to receive manuscripts on homeopathy in Latin America and their transnational networks to be published in the journal História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos (HCSM)...

Two calls for papers: philanthropy and homeopathy

HCSM recently announced two calls for papers to two different dossiers, one on the history of homeopathy in Latin America and the other on philanthropy an the state.