Psychoanalysis and neurosciences

The paper reflects on how new ideas about the brain can foster closer ties between psychoanalysis and the neurosciences.

La erradicación de la malaria en México, 1956-1971

Marcos Cueto analiza el desarrollo de la campaña de erradicación del paludismo en México en el marco de la Guerra Fría

Psy cultures in Colombia

It argues that Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis occupy today a relatively marginal position in the context of psy knowledge in Colombia.

Health, Medicine and Society PhD Studentship Opportunity at the University of Leeds

Applications are invited for a fully funded PhD studentship in History to be undertaken in the field of Health, Medicine and Society (HMS).

Psy cultures: psychoanalysis, subjectivity and politics

Mariano Plotkin (Conicet, Universidad Tres de Febrero) and Jane Russo (Instituto de Medicina Social UERJ) are the guest editor`s of the new suplement of HCS-Manguinhos.

New issue online

It explores the relations between psychoanalysis and other forms of knowledge and practices that constitute the so-called psy cultures.

La Ciudad de Buenos Aires en HCS-Manguinhos

Deciembre 2017 Preparamos una selección de artículos sobre la historia de las enfermedades en Buenos Aires. Valobra, Adriana. Un desafío a la justicia social peronista: la hidatidosis en la provincia de Buenos Aires, 1946-1952. Hist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos, Dic 2007, vol.14, no.4. Eugenesia en Buenos Aires – Diego Armus se detiene en el problema de...

International expositions: a historiographic approach from Latin America

This article was possible thanks to a grant we received from the Wellcome Trust.