Fellowships for scholars of Brazil, India and South Africa

These fellowships will be for research in history of medicine and in medical humanities using the collections of leading North-American institutions.

Mental Health Pasts, Current Trends and Futures

This new work offers a number of case studies from different areas of the world and across periods in time which shed light on some of the many motivations and innovations in the field of mental health.

El evolucionismo en España, siglo XIX

En un período de mucha confrontación ideológica, la interacción de factores políticos, religiosos y filosóficos condicionaron la recepción de las ideas darwinistas en el país.

Historias de la poliomielitis

En el día mundial contra la polio preparamos una compilación de textos sobre el tema, una herramienta muy útil para investigadores.

Malaria, modernidad y desarrollo en la Argentina de la primera mitad del siglo XX

Una reseña de Marcos Cueto, editor científico de HCS-Manguinhos.

The new Bundestag: refugees and health

An interview with Dr. Michael Knipper, of the University of Giessen, about Germany’s recent elections and immigration policies.

The thalidomide tragedy

A review on the history of thalidomide and its consequences for the victims in Brazil.

Our journal on the 25th ICHST

The editor’s letter of our latest issue (July/Sept. 2017) highlights the strong impact of the “global turn” on the history of science.

Our current issue is available online!

In this present issue we begin a new section: historiographical reviews.

Brazil Visiting Fellows Scheme

October, 2017 The Brazil Visiting Fellows Scheme provides early career university lecturers or post-doctoral researchers currently working at recognised universities in Brazil the opportunity to spend up to three months at the University of Birmingham carrying out research projects. They welcome applications to any subject area. Application deadline:...