Aproximaciones científicas al mestizo mexicano

El artículo describe los aspectos ideológicos y científicos del concepto de mestizo.

War hecatomb: Effects on health, demography and modern thought,19th-21st centuries

Call for papers. This conference aims to discuss the consequences of war on health.

Convocatoria: XV Congreso RedPOP

“Conexiones, nuevas maneras de popularizar la ciencia”, 21 al 25 de agosto de 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Somnambulism and spiritualism, 1811-1860

This paper explores the main explanations offered by researchers of psychic phenomena.

The new history of science

Dominique Pestre (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris) offers some of his thoughts on the role of science and knowledge in our contemporary world.

Call for contributions: Race and Medicine in World History

This collaborative blog project welcomes blog posts on the influence of race in medical treatment, healing practices, and perceptions of health and the body.

Aedes aegypti: antiguas y nuevas emergencias sanitarias

Jose Moya y Monica Garcia mostrarán un panorama de los procesos biológicos, sanitarios, históricos y sociales en los que se ha desarrollado el mosquito Aedes aegypti y las enfermedades relacionadas.